Part 8

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"Because I love spending time with you!"

She didn't know what to answer to that, so she just smiled and said nothing. The rest of the ride home was pretty quiet.

Once at home, Stella took off her shoes.

"Well I would say safe and sound again but I have a feeling you'll be tired of me saying it" he scratched his head.

"No I won't!" She smiled.

"Okay bye then" and he was heading for the door.

"You're not going to tell me goodbye?" She asked, she wanted him to come back and maybe kiss her.

He turned around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. But she wasn't happy with just that, maybe it was the night or her craziness. But one thing she knew is that she didn't want Kelly to leave just yet.

So she grabbed his hand "don't leave, i like spending time with you too! Please stay"

"You know if I stay I'm not responsible of what can happen"

"Well then I'm not responsible either, come here!" She grabbed him by the shirt with one hand, and held his face with the other. And she started kissing him. "I'll probably regret this" she said while unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh I promise you won't!" He lifted her up, one hand down on her butt the other in her back.

It felt like he had been waiting a long time for her. No one never made him feel like this, but yet he still couldn't explain the feelings.

Neither could Stella, all she knew is that she would maybe regret this moment later. But for now they were both ready to enjoy each others company.

They were now in the bedroom, Kelly was shirtless and ready to get rid of Stella's dress. When she stopped him.

"Do you think that what we're doing is wrong?" She said trying to catch her breath "I don't want to ruin us being friends or whatever!"

"And you won't! I want this, i want you! I've been unable to understand what is happening to me with you" he said certain "Let me show you what I can't tell you"

She put her arms around his neck, and they kept kissing.

He then turned her around, unzipped her dress letting it fall to her feet. In no time, they were both undressed.

Kelly had one special touch, and it had Stella's body feeling weak. And the way he was holding her by both wrists, it was unbelievable. The strength of his body coming in and out of her, she was loving every moment of it.

There was no place for regret. He knew what he was doing, and she wasn't mad at that. Her hands were going up and down his back. She was enjoying every minute of it, then Kelly took her by the waist with one arm now making her the one on top.

She started kissing his naked chest, going up to his neck and mouth while slowly riding him.
They both fell asleep after that. Tired.

The next morning, Stella woke ip first. She opened her eyes and still couldn't believe what she had done. She was really into that guy, the one guy who would maybe crush her heart at some point.

Could have found one who is more faithful she thought to herself.

"Wake up sleeping beauty!" She said shaking him, then she sat waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Uh" he slowly opened his blue eyes.

"Come on! It's time to go back home" she got up with her sheets around her.

"Wait" he shook the sleep out of him "you're making me leave already? Why? What's wrong?" He sat.

"Nothing just I bet you got stuff to do so!" She put on a big shirt, and proceeded to give him his stuff.

He wasn't about to let her feel however she was feeling right now. He put his jeans on, and chased her in the kitchen.

Stella for sure had in my mind the fact that he always had love for more than one woman. She didn't want to get too caught up with him and have her little heart broken, so she was walking on eggshells. Maybe she needed him to say something that would make her change her mind.

"Look! I don't know what you might be thinking right now, but here's what I want to propose. Let's take it slow, see what comes out of this" he said trying to get her attention.

"Um" she turned and looked at him.

"We can give it a try. Plus I have this thing with you that I can't explain" he came near her putting both his hands on her waist.

"I do have this unexplainable thing going on with you too!" She smiled.

"Well then let's try this forreal! We don't lose anything by being together and seeing where this goes"

"Okay let's see but"

And before she could continue her sentence, he shut her up with his finger "no buts".

He was about to lean in and give her a kiss but someone knocked in the door.

"Who is it?" She screamed.

"It's Brett!"

They both opened their eyes wide "go in the room please" she pushed him.

"I'm coming" she opened the door but forgot Severide's shoes were still in the living room. "Hi girl"

"I just want to check on you, since I wasn't able to get you back."

"Oh I got here safe, you don't got to worry really!" She said, she didn't want to be impolite and make Brett leave.

"Right! Severide took you home?" Sylvie asked to make sure she remembered well.

"Yes" and at this moment she noticed his shoes and tried to push them out of Sylvie's view.

"You're going to trip plus I already saw his shoes!" She said calmly "So Severide i know you're there" she shouted with a little laugh.

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