Part 18

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Severide was ready for Stella to come back to him. And he decided to prepare something for her.

Since the next day none of them had to work he decided to organize something special. At the beach, the weather was perfect for it. He asked Casey and Gabby for a little help.

He even had a ring. No it wasn't an engagement ring, none of them was ready for this. It was more of a promise ring, to show her she was the only one that matter to him. And as a promise he would be faithful to her.

He got to Sylvie's house and knocked.

"Hey Severide! Stella!" She yelled to get Stella's attention.

"Thank you Sylvie" he smiled, he looked a different kind of happy.

Then Stella came to the door, she didn't think Severide would show up anytime soon.

"Hi Kelly!" She smiled.

"I came to get you! Do you trust me?" He asked then gave her his hand for her to take.

"Um I don't know, is this a kidnapping?" She wasn't sure if she should go. That man had ways of doing things, and yet she didn't know what to tell him.

To stay with him or not. Maybe she already had a solution, and she was just being hard on herself.

She deserved this.

She took his hand, he went and opened the door for her and they were on their way to the beach.

He decided to blindfold her. She knew it was the beach but yet she thought to herself that it must something special for him to have her blindfolded.

"Here you go!" He took off her blindfold "you can open you eyes Stella!"

He had a whole thing set up, with the help of Gabby and Casey. It was beautifully put together, on a red sheet. Some white and red roses petals, a tray of fruits, even some cake and some champagne.

So Stella decided to say jokingly "you had help to put this together didn't you?" She then smiled at him.

"Yes but anything for you, I do believe we need this time together! To see where we are going from now on"

"You are right!"

They then both sat, the view of the sea and the sound of the waves were so peaceful. They just for a moment enjoyed each other's company.

"Here try this cake!" Severide was offering some cake, he was eating.

"Are you trying to make me fat?" She asked before eating the piece he was giving "um it's actually really good" she was surprised.

"See I told you" and he kept eating his cake but Stella wasn't about to let him. She quickly started fighting him for his piece of cake.

"Oh come on, give me some more" she had a little girl voice, begging Kelly in a funny way.

"There's literally a whole cake over there Stella!" He said trying to convince her to leave him alone.

"No but your piece looks so much better"

"You want some?" He asked, then she nodded, he laughed he then got cake all in her face and mouth.

"Kelly!" She couldn't believe what he just did, she looked at him and added "look at me now, you think that's funny"

"Yes, makes you more eatable, come here!" He grabbed, but then kind of fell on her. They both looked at each other then Kelly kissed Stella.

With passion, with necessity.

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