Part 23 : The party

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"Yes I am! Stella has literally changed my life, so of course I'm going to propose."

"Wow I'm proud of you Sev! And I know Stella loves you, I wish you the best" he smiled then hugged his best friend.

"Thank you" then he opened the little box and showed Casey the ring.

"Damn you are not playing, it's beautiful!"

Severide was just so happy and ready to propose. Ready to see his future wife and feel their baby. Stella had told him how the baby moved and even sent him a video to prove it. He was excited about everything.

He then decided to call Stella, he wanted to know how the ultrasound went.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" He asked joyful to be talking to her, knowing she had no clue what he had prepared for her.

"I'm good, but and you? When are you coming back, I need to see you to see that you are okay. I miss you, Brett and Gabby are driving me crazy! I can't even do the dishes with this two" she complained.

"Don't worry, I'll be back really soon. And the ultrasound, how is our baby?"

"Well good, weirdly it's always when you call that this baby seem to wake up" she told him "please come back"

"Don't you think I'm going to be letting do anything in the house either! Are you excited for the baby shower?"

"Well I would have preferred to just know right away, I don't get the need of all this parties" she said.

"Well it's a baby shower and baby gender reveal, Gabby and Brett are really excited about it and so am I" he made sure to let her know.

They kept talking for a little while more and then Stella decided to take a nap.

Meanwhile Severide wasn't only planning to propose to her but also marry her that same day. He just needed to get everybody on board.

So the next day he had Brett coming over Casey and Gabby's place, so they could discuss his plan. He asked Casey to get him a minister, Brett and Gabby would be in charge of Stella's dress.

"I still need you Casey to invent that the minister you will bring is a friend of yours or something!"

"Well he is a friend of mine, from when I was an elder man. So no problem!" Then Casey added "Don't you worry, she will not catch up to any of this"

"You good for the party you two? What I asked for is going to be added?" He asked both of the girls

"Yes! And so is the dress, we kept it simple" Brett reassured him.

"Okay one last thing, I need someone to keep the rings for me. Like a ring woman!"

"I'll be glad to be your wing woman!" Gabby said super happy.

Then they made sure they had everything right for this Saturday. Which was only one day away.
It was Saturday, and the girls were already there. The backyard at Stella and Kelly's house was beautiful set. There was many signs saying boy or girl. Gabby and Brett decided to go with purple for a girl and yellow for a boy.

So the party had mostly this colors. They had snack table, the cake and cupcakes were beautiful. With a bunch of different other things. They also had planned games. Sunflowers and lavenders were the chosen flowers, and some roses here and there.

"Yo what is it?" Stella asked while getting out of the shower.

"It's almost time for people to come! You saw the dress we put for you on the bed" Gabby said while coming in the room to check on her.

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