Part 31 : Disagreement

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The Sunday was not that promising, and none of them wanted to give. They were firm on their decision, one thing they didn't know was were they about to stay both in this house?

Cindy and Herrmann could feel the tension.

And so they decided to find something as soon as possible so that they wouldn't be caught up in all their mess.
Severide decided to spend the whole Sunday out, late at night he came back.  Herrmann's kids were sleep and so was Olivia. The only one still up were the grown ups watching tv.

He tapped Stella's shoulder "Can i talk to you?" He asked.

She got up and they went in their room to talk.

"What?" She said cold.

"Can I see Olivia?" He asked her hoping she would say yes.


Her arms were crossed.

"Please you can't forbid me to see her! She's mine as much as she's yours Stella" he said desperate.

"Oh really? But remember it was a mistake having a kid with me" she threw in his face his own words, so he could remember how men it sounded.

"Stella come on!" He said trying to convince her.

"No Kelly, now get out of my room. You can stay in this house but you won't sleep in this room and you won't touch MY daughter"

He looked at her and stayed in the room. Making her see that he wouldn't move.

Then Olivia started moving, she was awake. So he hurried to grab her but Stella was faster.

"I told you are not going to touch my child now get the fuck out!" She firmly said and picked up her daughter.

She pushed him out and closed her door.
The silence between the two of them in the next days were awkward, even the sound of all the kinds playing sounded off. They were in the sane house but yet Stella and Kelly wouldn't dare to look at one another or even talk.

They would go on shifts, Cindy would stay with Olivia and that's about it.

Severide was lost and so he decided to get a quick call in while in his quarters.

"Hey could you swing by the firehouse, i know you are back in town and i kind of need your help with something!" He explained to the person on the phone.

"Sure i'll be there in an hour or so!"

And so Kelly just waited for that person to arrive.

The day was going well, a few calls coming. And the person Kelly was waiting for finally arrived.

"Hey I'm here to see Lieutenant Severide!" She said to Cruz as she came in the firehouse.

Stella was checking the materias on the truck and so when she heard 'Lieutenant Severide' her attention got on that woman. Well dressed, but who was she.

And so Cruz took her. Severide saw her and immediately got up to greet her.

"Hey Renee!" He smiled and gave her a hug.

"Hey Kelly, so what did you need from me!" She asked joyful.

"Come in" he said making a hand movement to let her in. And then they both sat down and so he started to explain "look I have this thing going on with Stella right now, and I want to know what I can do about my daughter".

"What do you mean?" She asked confused. "A daughter? You have a daughter, I need to catch up on your life Kelly!"

"And I'm also married! My daughter her name is Olivia, she's 1. A bunch of stuff happened, Stella is like the woman of my life but right now we're in cold"

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