Part 12 : love

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"Come live with me or we could find a place just for the both of us. But in the mean time stay with me"

"Are you serious right now?" She wasn't sure what to say.

"Yeah I am" he smiled.

"Isn't it great already what we have"

But he didn't let her finish, and he said "why do I feel like you are going to make a big deal out of this! Are you scared of something?" He stopped and asked her.

"No I'm not or maybe just a little, I mean I don't know Kelly" she was worried.

"Look don't worry, just come home with me. And we will go from there" he smiled to reassure her.

"I don't know" she was still not sure if she was ready to take that step.

"Can't you see I'm really trying to have something real. Look my whole life I feel like i've been doing something, I couldn't settle on one woman. And now I finally feel like I have a shot, and that we can have something amazing. I'm loving every single moments with you, I just want them to be everyday"

She was happy to hear that, so she cracked and said yes. They didn't even need to swing by her place, a lot of her stuff were already at Severide's place.
It has been a week since they were officially living together. And both of them loved waking up and being able  to enjoy each other.

"Wait, didn't you tell you were going out tomorrow night with the guys?" She asked making her bag.

"Oh yes it's tomorrow night, you okay staying by yourself?" He wanted to make sure she was okay with him going out.

"I am, plus I told the girls they could come so I will not be alone" she let him know.

"Okay make sure they're gone before I get here, because I'm planning to do some things to you tomorrow night"

"Oh" she was shocked but then she quickly said "i'll be ready"

Then they went to work. The day was going by fast enough, not much call. Until a call came in.

"Ambo 61! Truck 81!"

And they were out. Meanwhile the squad guys were having a conversation  on where exactly they were going tomorrow night when they will be off shift.

"Look I still think we should go to the strip club" said Capp with a huge smile on his face.

"No we're not! Let's go to a bar or something."

"Alright well I got a good bar to go to, don't worry!" Tony said.
Their 24 shift was over, and all the guys were ready for some night out. Casey of course was a part of the whole thing.

Stella had ready some movie and wine for her girls. Gabby was bringing the food and Brett the sweets. She watched Kelly leave.

"Bye have fun tonight" she gave him a soft kiss.

"Oh no what was that" he laughed and grabbed her by her waist, pulled her aggressively closer to him and gave her kiss like he wanted. With tongue and all.

She separated from him and said "can you let me breathe at least", he winked at her and left.

Gabby and Brett came in moments later, they were having chinese food because all three of them loved it. They started the movie but started talking shortly after it started.

"I wonder where the guys went tonight" Gabby was wondering.

"I wonder too"

"Well I ain't got to wonder where they went because none of these men is mine" Brett said laughing.

"You need to find yourself a boo, and proof that some of them can be faithful is Severide" Gabby said jokingly.

"Oh come on, leave him alone" Stella said laughing at what Gabby had just said "but yeah Brett like Gabby said he is kind of proof, well for now"

"You think he'll be back to his old habits? But you trust him enough to let him go out? And plus since when do you live here?" Gabby was curious.

"First of all that's a lot of questions, and I'm never with him if i'm being honest. But I can't be watching his every step, so I have to trust him. And yes he wanted me to come live with him, he said he wanted to spend more time together" she smiled.

"Aw that's sweet!" Brett said making an aw face.

"Yes, he even said we could find a nee house" she added "I'm loving every moment of this if I'm being honest"

"And do you love him?" Gabby had to ask.

"If I explain to you everything he makes me feel, i would pretty much say it's love so yeah" she passed her hand through her hand "I love him Gabby" and as she said this she realized that she actually loves him. Like for real, and she blushed thinking about him.
Meanwhile Tony had everybody in a new bar, it had a great vibe. And the guys were loving it. They started ordering drinks.

They were going on round 3 and Severide was the one going for the drink at the bar.

"Hey stranger" a girl said to him smiling and touched his arm.

"Hey" he said quickly then asked for the drinks.

"I'm Elena!" She said in a flirty "are you planning on spending your whole night here?"

He smiled back, and then said "I'm Severide! But I'm with my boys and my girlfriend is waiting for me at home so it was great meeting you!" He took his drinks and went back to the table he had with the other guys.

"We see you! You can't go take some shots, you already have some woman to try and have you in their bed" Cruz joked.

"What can I do about it" he laughed "can't cover such a piece of art" he joked.

"Yeah right, at least what's her name? I don't know why didn't you tell her your boys were available!" Capp was kind of nagging Severide.

"If you guys want go after her but I have no business trying to remember what her name was" he said and then sat back at the table.

The boys continued to have a great time together.They tried no to drink too much so they would be able to drive.

Severide was going back to his car when the same girl approached him.

"You sure you don't want to know me better?" She asked getting closer to him.

"Look I said back off, I'm not interested" he said mad, he then hoped in his car and drove away.
The girls were gone, it was already around 2 in the morning. Stella was still up watching a documentary, when she heard keys.

"Hey" she got up and went to hug him.

And he hugged her back tight, the hug was different. And then he said

"You know I love you right" he asked shyly while brushing his fingers in her back.

"Aw, i love you too Kelly!" She pit one hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss.

They both smiled in between two kisses. Then he proposed.

"Let's go take a shower" he smirked and took her by one hand.

They both got in the shower, started the water. Severide was looking at Stella from head to toe, watching the head fall all over her body. He was realizing what he had, this beautiful woman was all his.

"What?" She asked because of his persistent look.

But he didn't answer, and just started kissing her all over. The fact that water was dripping all over her body made it even more fun for him.

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