Part 3: Knowing her

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Part 3 :

But she felt panic, her legs!

They didn't want to move.

"Come on Kidd! You didn't go through all this just to freeze now" she told herself.

And just like that she took a deep breath, and went in. Following every single one of Casey's footstep.

Then they found a victim "take her out Kidd, i'll finish searching".

And so she did. She felt proud and happy, her very first save.

They were about to head back when Casey gave Stella a look "good job today".

Her first shift was over, Dawson had invited her to go out. So she said yes, little did she know the whole firehouse was going to be here.

Since she thought it would only be Brett and Dawson, she got ready and went. They were meeting in a new bar. All she knew is that three of them were co-owning it.

She had on a long sleeve and turtle neck red dress. She came in the bar and instantly Dawson waved, so she sat with them at the table. Brett wasn't there yet but Casey and Severide were at the table.

"Good evening everyone" she smiled.

"Had a good first day?" Casey asked curious. "Yes, wait do I have to call you lieutenant here" she asked a bit playful.

"No, with Casey it's just fine"

"So this is your bar Dawson? If I got this right?" Gabby smiled and said "Yes, I own it along Herrmann and Otis. And this is our opening night, so you got into 51 just in time"

"Well glad to have join your firehouse"

Meanwhile Severide was just listening to everything everyone was saying. He wasn't sure Stella wouldn't just shut her mouth once he would start asking questions.

"Sev!" Gabby snapped her fingers to get his attention. "Huh what?"

"Why are you so shy and quiet! I thought by now you would be all flirty" she made fun of him and Stella almost spit what she was drinking.

And she couldn't help but ask "why are you saying this"

"Oh you don't know but Severide is a player, that man has never been in a serious relationship in his life. He is too busy loving half of the women in chicago" she laughed.

Stella took a look at him and for a moment they stared at each other.

"Oh come on Gabby" he laughed too "you know I have to show love" he said then took a sip of his beer. "But wait on a more serious note, Gabby you don't remember Stella?"

"Do we know her from before?" She was confused.

"Yes remember that accident, we saved her alongside her boyfriend i suppose" he hesitated.

"It was your boyfriend right?" Gabby wanted to mane sure "Um not quite, more like my ex husband! I finally got the courage to leave him"

"Well that's a good thing, did it feel weird? How long were you married to him, if you don't mind me asking" said Casey.

"Well yeah it was hard, but I needed to leave him. He was stopping me from doing anything great, and staying with him meant maybe going back to a vicious circle." She explained.

"Vicious circle meaning? Drugs?" Asked Severide.


"Oh wow!" Casey was shocked "but you overcame that how? Who helped you get clean?"

"Right! I've been there sort of, addicted. And you definitely need help" affirmed Severide, he took a look at her waiting for her answer.

"Probably family, right?" Gabby asked.

Stella looked down at her glass, a little overwhelmed "I don't that much friends, so not many people know that. I'm actually an orphan, grew up most of my life in an orphanage. Until i started to get older the people working in the orphanage decide to put me and some other kids through foster care. So then it was from home to home, i never stayed long somewhere so then when i was old enough I decided to go live any way i could. Far from all the system, i stayed in school and that's how i met Grant. He was there for me and so was his mom" she paused "but please let's talk about anything else".

She didn't want to ruin the evening with her story. Plus she hated when the attention turned all on her. So they laughed all night. It was finally time to go.

"Well it was fun thank you for the night!"

"You're taking your car?" Gabby asked. "Because if so stay safe out there!"

"Um no...i actually was going on foot. I don't have a car at the moment, I don't live far"

"Well then let's go! No way in hell i'm going to let you go back by yourself that late" Severide said while putting kn his jacket.

She accepted and so he drove her home.

"Goodnight!" He turned around and walked away slowly.

She was closing the door when she felt someone pushing and entering.

"Grant!" She thought she was done with him.

"Hey Stella Bella" he clearly was on something, he then pulled out a gun "how did you dare leave me, when the only i have ever did was care for you" he had the gun pointed at her stomach. "We could have been the best couple and have our own little family, why did you do this to me"

His eyes were red, and Stella was scared. She knew he needed help but she couldn't be the one helping him over and over again.

He threw her on the sofa, she hit a head a little. And felt a little dizzy, but before she knew it. He had her held by her wrists "you're going to be mine Stella! And after that you and me are going to leave this world! together!" He screamed " Romeo and Juliet"

He was crazy, she started screaming. Hoping someone would hear her.

Severide was opening his car door but he felt like talking to her. He had tried before and she always find a way to leave, so he went back. And that's when he heard screams.

Her door was open.

He went it, and grabbed Grant by the shirt to get him off of her.

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