Part 29 : Just a scare

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That explosion had everyone shook and thinking the worst for a good second.

Stella felt her knees weak but something in her knew, she knew her daughter was okay.

She let herself fall on the hard gravel floor. She needed to catch her breath, and not panic. Severide got low with her.

"Are you okay?" He himself was not sure what to think, he couldn't go in and that explosion had shook him moe than anything.

But Stella didn't answer, she focused on thinking no one can be in there. She then focused on all the cars parked in the street, was she seeing Cindy's car?

"Herrmann?" She got up in hurry "do you see Cindy's car anywhere?" She was desperate for an answer, Herrmann was in his thoughts too, watching his house go up in flames.
Was his wife in there? His thoughts were blurry until he heard Stella and reacted as soon.

"Her car...I...I don't know Kidd! There's so much smoke everywhere" he was confused.

So was everybody but all three were tying to see if they could see something that helped them realize Cindy and Olivia weren't in there.

"I just....I" Stella let out a sigh of frustration.

"I'm sure Olivia is okay!" Severide tried to reassure her.

"How Kelly? How do you know" she screamed "you can't be certain, so please don't say she's okay"

Even though that feeling in her body told her her daughter was not injured, her mind still was playing games on her. She was trying to believe her mother's instincts but it was hard. And now she couldn't control her anger and frustration of not knowing about her baby.

Kelly knew not to say another word, he was as frustrated as Stella but to him respecting Stella's frustration was more important. At the end of the day she was the one who carried their daughter for all this month, all he wanted was for her to go back to being calm and composed. He offered her a hug, without saying a thing. And so she found herself snuggled up on him.
They only could put the fire down on Herrmann's house. The search would be done once the fire would be out, yet Casey and Squad 3 went and helped in the other houses.

One of these houses were the house of one of Cindy's friend. She would go there at times to help.

"Fire department call out!" Cruz yelled, walking in one of the rooms on the upper floor.

"In here!" He heard.

The sound was coming from the room's bathroom. Cruz bust the door open, and here were Cindy, her neighbor and Olivia. Who was crying at the top of her lungs, she was scared yet Cindy was trying to calm her down.

Cruz called for help "i need assistance on the upper floor!" He said then added "we have three people in there".

After his call got in, Casey and Otis came. They had to have something wet over them so they could get out of the house. Casey took Cindy out, Otis offered to take Olivia and Cruz helped the neighbor out.

"Chief!" Casey came out and then said "last house has been searched, everyone is out, fire can finally be put out"

Then the Chief saw Otis coming out with a little person in his arms. He instantly turned to Severide and Kidd.

"Kidd! Severide" he just pointed out to Otis.

And so they both rushed, seeing their baby made them so baby.

"Oh my god Otis! Thank you" she was smiling while crying.

"No need to thank me, first let's have Brett check her okay" he told her calmly.

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