Part 16

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She rested her head on his, and kept rubbing the back of his head.

They didn't even bother to talk, just the touch of one another had them feeling at peace.

A few moments later Brett finally came back home.

"Oh hey Kelly!" She smiled as she closed the door.

"Sorry maybe I should have told you, I would go by your place but I was scared you would forbid me to!" He explained.

"Oh it's okay, better for you to know."

"Would you mind if I kidnap her?" He asked Brett, he wasn't sure Stella wanted to come back home with him and he didn't want to pressure her into doing so either.

"Sure, I know now that she told you what happened to her there's no need for her to stay here with me."

After that Sylvie just went to get something to eat in her fridge. Stella didn't want to say anything to Kelly in front of Brett, so she accepted to go with him.

Severide took her to the park, they were holding hands when Stella stopped and told Kelly.

"I'm not coming back home with you!"

"I know" he said calmly.

"I would like to say what I really mean" then she added "I might have used this Elena girl as an excuse for you not to see me like this but Kelly, after what happened to me. I'm just scared, I don't know if moving with you was a great idea".

"That girl like you said I haven't seen her, I don't think she's going to be a problem" he made sure to let her know.

"I'm scared of you falling back into the arms of whoever, going back to literally fucking any women you meet! Now I know you love me, so I meant that time a part thing" she explained to him, with hurt in her voice. "I need to be sure that's what I really want"

"We've been together for almost 6 months now. I don't get it, plus you saw that nothing happened with this girl!" He said back a little sad.

"She was able to enter the apartment, get naked, come near you. And you mean to tell me you couldn't get her out in all this time?"

"I tried but I wasn't about to be violent with her" he explained.

"I know but yet still, look I'm not saying I don't want to be with you. I just want some time a part, I want to be sure and not make a mistake that's all" she smiled at him.

They still walked a little bit in the park, and then Kelly took her back to Sylvie's house.

"So you want me to bring you anything from the house?" He asked her.

"Yes a little bit of everything! Thank you" she took his face between her hands and gave him a kiss.

"I'll be back later and I promise that after that you won't see me, and whenever you ready just call me" he smiled but yet he was hurt deep down.
And it's like Stella just with the thought of that girl brought her back to Severide's apartment.

"You again" he said fed up as he opened the door "I thought you were done harassing me, you know what I'm calling the police"

He took his phone, he knew Antonio would always answer him. So that's who he called. Antonio was on his way to Severide's apartment, but meanwhile Elena made sure to get comfortable.

"You know you are really missing out! You should leave that girl Stella right?" She asked, then she got up and stand right in front of Severide. She then dropped on her knees and started taking off his belt and everything.

But Severide already had enough, and he pushed her. Maybe too hard or she just lost her balance but she hit her head.

Blood was coming out, so the first thing Kelly thought of doing was check if she had a pulse.

But at the same time Antonio was knocking at the door, he opened and quickly went back to the girls to check for a pulse.

"What happened?" Antonio asked shocked to see the girl on the floor.

"I called you because she's been harassing me, and I was getting tired of constantly trying to get rid of her so I thought i'd involve the police. But she tried to go too far, I pushed her and then this" he explained to Antonio "but wait, she has a pulse call an ambulance"

Antonio called an ambulance and they were on their way to MED. Once there, Antonio kept asking Severide questions.

"How do you know her? I'm sorry but I have to ask you sure she wasn't just one of your little adventure?"

"Of course not!" He got mad "do you really think I would do that to Stella, she was this girl I met at the bar. Look Antonio if you're going to ask me questions like this, just tell me so I can go to someone else about this"

"Calm down, right now the only thing we can do is hope nothing bad happens to this girl or else you are in big trouble" he explained to him.

Severide kept walking from left to right, he was nervous. And the only person that could calm him in this very moment, well he couldn't call her or anything. Plus he didn't want to worry her with anymore of what this girl had done.
They both stayed at MED waiting for news about the girl, then Antonio called his partner Burgess to take Severide in so he could testify.

"I don't want to move, I need to know if she's okay"

"Come on now, there's nothing you can do. It's best you give us your version now" Kim told him then added "if not she could wake up and just blame you for everything, and it will be your word against hers"

So Severide decided to follow Kim, to give his version of what happened.

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