Part 19

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"Oh no no no Lieutenant, you started a fire you better put it out" she replied back.

"I was just playing. Chill!" He laughed.

He then kept what he started going.

Work was their last concern at the moment. Were they about to be late? Probably but yet they didn't care.

Severide took Stella shirt off, threw it on the floor, he always loved the touch of her skin. So soft, if it was for him he would be touching her forever.

They kept kissing, she loved biting his bottom lip. And this was what would turn him on a little more each time.

He grabbed her firmly, got her off that kitchen counter. And carried her to their bedroom. He laid her on the bed, quickly stripped down to his boxers,and  started giving her kisses from her neck and he slowly went down.

Kissing her belly. He then took off her pants leaving her in panties, then he said "you are going to work with those on" he bit his lip.

It was his favorite thing to see her in. But Stella wasn't happy with all this chitchat of his, she pushed him making him fall next to her on the bed. Then sat on him and said to him "you talk to much" before kissing him and make love to him.
They arrived at work luckily right on time, so they had t make theirselves small. Even tho Boden gave them a look, they were in the briefing room as per usual. Yet Boden didn't even get the time to say much that a call came in.

"Squad 3! Ambulance 61! Truck 81! Engine 51! Building fire"

Everybody quickly left.

Once they arrived to the scene, it was a six story building. The three last stories were obviously the ones where the fire was.

"Okay Squad let's do a primary search on the 6th floor! Cruz you're with me, we're going to check the north of the building. Capp, Tony I want you guys in the south part"

"Truck, the fire seemed to have started on the fourth floor. Make sure you check every apartment, people could still be inside. Mouch Herrmann I want you guys on the fifth floor"

The direct orders were quickly given, engine 51 were ready to assist with a line going in the building. Little by little, they were bringing the victims out.

Once they were finish on the sixth floor, Severide told his team to go assist on the other floors. And while walking through the flames, something exploded. Sending both Cruz and Severide flying.

Everybody heard the explosion, then the Chief said through the radio  "Squad? Truck? Engine? Report!"

"We're okay Chief! Going to help truck finish with the search on the fifth and fourth floor" Severide informed.

In no time, the search was done. And Engine was handling the fire.

Gabby had Cruz and Severide come to them "did you guys hit anything? Head? Something?" Brett asked.

"No the explosion just surprised us I guess!" Cruz told both of the girls.

"Ok then and you Severide?" Gabby gave him a look, she knew Severide would never say if he got hurt to avoid the hospital.

"Oh no I just hit my shoulder, but nothing bad" he reassured him.

Before heading back to the firehouse, Stella grabbed Kelly's hand and asked "you okay?". He gave her a smile and said "yes".

They were exhausted, everyone head back to the firehouse. Everybody took a shower, and then sat down either to eat or relax.
It has been 2 months since Severide injury to his shoulder. He did go to MED, after Stella convinced him to. Fortunately nothing really happened.

It was night, and Severide was taking Stella to a new restaurant. They were in the car, waiting at a red light.

"You are seriously fine tonight!" He smiled, he had his hand on her tight.

She just smiled back at him, the light was now green so he went for it.

"You know I really hope..." stella started saying something but suddenly a car coming full force on their right hit them.

The car hit Stella's side.

Both her and Kelly were unconscious. But after a bit Severide first opened his eyes and then Stella.

He had a cut on his head, and his shoulder was hurting so bad. He took a look at Stella and asked her "are you okay baby?"

But it looked like she was trying to figure something out or seemed like she was hurt somewhere but where.

Kelly reached for his phone, he didn't know if someone saw what just happened and had call an ambulance. So he called.

Thankfully someone had already called an ambulance. That ambo was only two minutes out, he was concerned for Stella.

Then panicked she told him "Kelly I think I'm bleeding"

"Where? Tell me, just don't move too much"

"I...I" she took a deep a breath "I know something is wrong, I can feel it" she said panicked, she had her hand on lower belly. "I'm bleeding and I'm not on my period. Is the ambo coming?"

She was scared, didn't know what was going on. And now Severide was scared too, then they both heard the ambulance coming.

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