Part 32 : An accident

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After that Kelly found himself an apartment, he bought stuff for his daughter and so. He was ready to get his visit but for now the investigation was still on Stella.

In the same week, on her day off the same guy that came to see her was now at her house. It was early, Herrmann's kid had just left and so the house looked a mess.

And the guy decided to arrive just when Olivia was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Stella was gently rocking her for her to calm down.

"Hey come in" she said opening the door wide open.

And so he did, with his eyes big. He couldn't believe the way the place was set up.

"Okay so could I see where this lovely little girl sleeps?" He asked waiting for her to lead the way.

And so she did "so she is currently sleeping in my room, well her bed is there and sometimes she'll just be sleeping with me"

"Um" he said still inspecting the place.

"Um? What does that mean, look that baby is mine. I don't know what is your plan but clearly I won't let anyone take her away from me" she made sure to let him know how she was feeling.

"Look Ms Kidd! You are not showing good faith, not allowing a dad to see his child. Plus divorce papers have been given to you, and you not signing them isn't playing in your favor. You have the whole drug use adding to all of this"

"I've been clean for a long time now, and why would I divorce someone that I still love? Tell me, will you pay him a visit too" she asked and then out of nowhere said "did the dad told you how he used to be high when I was pregnant, how I stressed and had panic attacks?"

But she instantly regretted saying this, was it because the whole situation had her fed up or because she still felt some type way about this. She didn't know but the rest the time the investigator was there she made sure to have her mouth shut.

She sure wasn't like that, not the type to down talk on the person she loved. No matter what Severide was doing to her right now, her telling stuffs on him didn't look good.
After a while it was now Severide's time to be investigated. And weirdly Renee did everything possible so that it would be as short as possible of an interview.
So that same guy went directly to the apartment and was about to ask questions while inspecting the place all at once.

"So you are a firefighter too?"

"Yes, I'm the lieutenant"

"Could I please see where your daughter would be sleeping?" He asked and waited.

"Sure right this way!"

The room was really pretty, and when seeing the crib Kelly felt emotional. He was sure missing his baby girl and all of this mess was irritating.
And felt unnecessary but he had to do something to have her back.

The questioning kept going.

"Your wife mentioned a drug use?"

"From who?" He asked confused.

"You, she said and I quote "you use to be high while she was pregnant" he then looked at him with insistence.

"Yes uh I had a shoulder problem, and so I was taking pain killers but nothing too crazy" he explained.


"My next question would be how do you plan on doing when you'll be on shifts? Who will take care of your daughter?"

"Well I gave a call to my mom earlier this week, and she would be the one taking care of Olivia"


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