Chapter 1

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So this is my first fanfic! I had this idea for a loong time but didn't know when to star writing it. Don't hate please i'll try the best I can! Please vote and comment of what you think

Leah's Pov

Today is the first day of school. Ugh. I tried to stand up but a strong hand was keeping me from moving. I turned to look at my husband. We have been married now for 2 months and the honeymoon was at Hawaii, that was the best day of my life.

"Harry" I whispered shaking him. He didn't even move.

"Harry" I said louder. Nothing. I placed my hand on his cheek and gave him a peck on the lips. He immediately kissed back and was wide awake.

"Morning beautiful", he said in his raspy morning voice. He pulled me on his lap and then rolled us over so he was on top of me.

"What time is it?", he said looking at the clock on the nightstand. It read 5:23am.

"We have to get ready. Don't wanna be late on the first day of work", he said against my neck. "Mhm", was all I said and put my hands on his bare chest and gently pushing him off me so I could get ready.

"I'm gonna take a shower get ready", I said. "Can I join?" asked Harry.

"Nope" I said walking to the bathroom. I heard him say "Why?! ugh" "Deal with it!" I yelled and closed the door.

I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth and fix my hair, I walked to my walk-in closet and removed my towel put on my underwear, black skinny jeans and a lace black bra. I was looking for the grey button down shirt but I couldn't find it. I thought that I washed it? 

"Looking for this?" I turned around and saw Harry leaning against the door holding up my shirt. I walked to him and grabed the shirt. "Thanks babe", I said giving him a peck on the lips. He was dressed in black basketball short and a black t-shirt. "Mmm.. looking good Styles", he said looking at me up and down. "Turn around, turn around", he demanded I decided to tease him a little bit. I turned around and slowly bent down to pick up the towel from the floor and looked at him, bitting his lip staring at my ass. I started walking toward him in a seductive way and put my arms around his neck. "Liked what you saw huh, Styles?" I said in his ear and bitting his earlobe. "Mhm veryyy much", he said putting his hands on my waist. His voice deep and his eyes darkened with lust. He was going to kiss my neck but I pulled away and made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast leaving him wanting more of me. 

"Such a tease", I heard him say. I chuckled and began making breakfast.


"C'mon Harry lets go!", its now 6:18am and we have to be at the school at 7. Its only 25 minutes from our house. Harry came downstairs with his backpack and school papers. I took my briefcase and my purse. Went to the car and sat on the passanger seat and waited for Harry. He locked the door and walked to the car. We have a black Range Rover. Well, Harry has. I have an white Toyota Highlander. But since we work at the same school we go in one car. 

Finally we arrived at the school parking lot. I was going to open the door but Harry grabbed my hand and I turned around to look at him with a confused face. He smashed his lips against mine and said, "I love you".

"I love you too", and give him another peck on the lips and got out of the car and entered the school.

The school was filled with students from elementary to high school. Me and Harry were teachers of High School, he is the PE teacher and I am the Spanish teacher. Once we entered the school people started greeting us.

Harry walked with me to my classroom. As always, and stayed there for like 5 minutes. I was on his lap until he said "Baby I gotta go", he gave a peck on the lips and got up and left to the gym. Soon students filled the classroom. When the bell rang I started my class.

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