A Tale Like Every Other

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This is a tale, unlike any other

So don't dare compare it to another

You may have heard similar tales

All of which, are embarrassing fails

I pity the fool who hopes to be as cunning as I

Who thinks they can act without hesitation or a single cry

See all who have recalled their work, no matter how well

Lost their sanity in doing so, and their genius minds fell

See I on the other hand

Will not do so while explaining my work, it was quite grand

There I was, hosting a party and looking rather dashing

A smile on my face while mentally my teeth were gnashing

For you see, my dear, all of the guests were people I despise

At that Halloween ball, I promised a surprise

The pitiful fools showed up in flocks

And no one noticed as I welded shut, all of the locks

They danced and they laughed and no one ever knew

None of them dared to imagine the deeds I would do

I slipped to the attic, away from those unsuspecting fools

Away to the attic, to fetch all of my tools

In that small hidden room, the first blood was shed

A nosy little guest, he was the first one dead

You see I took great precautions as not to be seen

And this fool dare mock me, this scrawny young teen

I hid in the shadows, clutching that steel silver knife

With one swift movement, I ended the pest's life

I smiled and snickered at the foolish young boy

Everyone knows, never come between and child and his toy

Not a spot of blood had blemished my attire

And I left no fingerprints, nor did I tire

You see it was not an exhaustive task as others think

To the lonely corpse, I blew and kiss, and left with a wink

Down to the ballroom for more fun and games

See all I had to do was drop a match and watch the flames

I laughed at the screams, enjoying their pain

Oh what a sight, all my enemies, soon to be slain

The fools tried the doors, the windows, to no avail

They could've escaped, instead, they chose to wail

You see had one of them stopped and given it thought

They would have found the answer they sought

I smiled at their alarm, their utter dismay

I waited no longer, oh but how I wished I could stay

I quickly got out and off I fled

Away from the scene, the glowing crimson red

Still with me, the bloodstained steel

I marveled a second, then licked at the liquid meal

Done with those fools, all pitiful and dramatic

I looked back, at the flaming attic

Full of guns and knives, chains and whips

Another snicker dispersed from my lips

I looked again at the knife, reflecting off beams of pale moonlight

As my ears filled with the sweet screams of my enemies' fright

But I left behind a trinket for you my dear

A recollection of my tale for all to hear

Sorry if I disappointed you with a voice recording

But if you were to catch me, it wouldn't be as rewarding

So as this message comes to its end

It's time to say goodbye, my lovely little friend

Oh that's cute, you thought it was done

Before I even play with my gun

The recording was a distraction

So I could approach you undetected

Had you only thought to have stopped and suspected

You were always in the web I cunningly spun

And I, the spider, with continue to have my fun

Now I give my dictum

Death, to my final victim

It's truly a cruel reality

But goodbye, my sanity

And alas I'm like all before me

A pitiful fool, what a tragedy

So be my sanity gone

I shall not make a mockery of myself by going on

And my final victim is not my sanity

But rather this tale ends as death befalls me

And this tale that can't be compared to another

Ends up being a tale like every other

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