An Everyday Tragedy

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There she sits, there she cries

Tears streaming her face

Their hurtful words echo in her mind

Over and over on repeat

They called her fat and ugly, spread rumors and lies

Made her feel like a disgrace

Self-respect, confidence, none of it she could find

Because of their words, she began to cut and refused to eat

Years later she got better

And she finally looked "perfect" too

But then she was called a whore, a slut

Rumors and lies were still told

She decided she'd had enough and wrote a letter

To all her haters, the things she now knew

Hoping, praying, but not knowing for what

Shaky hands drop the pen and it stops beating, her heart of gold

Her body found beside a note

Tearful eyes read what she wrote

"This world is full of darkness, blackness lurks within"

"No matter who you are, you can never win"

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now