Longing For Then

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I lay unable to fall asleep

In my mind, thoughts begin to creep

Bad thoughts

Dark thoughts

Thoughts I have to hide

No one must see the darkness that lurks inside

Time passes and I still lay, eyes still unable to close

As it passes, I resent this life I never chose

I lay with a mournful expression

Attempting to cope with my depression

Morning arrives, I must awake

But I'm getting too exhausted to uphold this smile that I fake

Too tired to deal with all my pain

Too tired as my life begins to slowly drain

Finally I feel myself drift from this world's light

Give me the chance and I just might

Stay here forever, away from it all

Drift among nothingness, never again to fall

You see this blessing I'm granted is a mere temporary state

One day though, I'll meet an inevitable fate

And this blessing, though oh so rare

Will be made eternal and free me from despair

And no longer will I be haunted by my mind

For there will be only nothingness to find

Endless distance of darkness and space

I'll be freed from these labels, no longer be a disgrace

I'll no longer have any breaths to take

But it's a small price to no longer be seen as a mistake

Till that day, I'll be counting each hour

Bittersweet without the sour

However I'm stuck in this life until

The day that when finally turns to then

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now