Pointless Feelings

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She lies there in her bed

Tears streaming her eyes

Does she listen to the truth from the voices in her head

Or continue to believe his beautiful wonderful lies

He says he cares but always upsets her

Claims he's there for her then disappears

Says he understands but he doesn't even know how she feels

What she's felt for years

He doesn't know how much his kiss heels

Her demons go away, for a moment she's free

But he's always hurting her without any clue

Because what she wants, what they have, it isn't real and can never be

He belongs to someone else, sad, but it's true

Belongs to someone better, someone less broken

She'll never compare to that perfect girl miles away

So she leaves everything she feels unspoken

Contemplating whether she should even stay

Since if he were forced to choose

She knew the tragic truth

It was a contest she'd undoubtedly loose

So add even more pain to the list of heartache from her youth

But she can't blame anyone

She knew the pain she'd suffer, she didn't stop it at the start

She knew the pain that would be brought on by the pointless feelings she had

But she didn't care to stop them, she didn't think with her mind, she thought with her heart

In her life she's cried the oceans, now she had a river to add

And the result is just what she chose to accept

She lies there in her bed

Counting the lies she's told him, all the times she said she was fine, every secret that she kept

Broken and alone, she lies there lies there living but dead

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