The Tale of Two Lovers

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Two lovers walk hand in hand

Through a field, the grass swaying in the wind as they stand

They find each other's embrace

Till blood is spilled, the mere thought of the other is now to them a disgrace

Yet deceit had weaved his web, trapping them inside

They grew in hate, believed the lies, and as they did they gained a false sense pride

But don't you turn away now, this story is not yet at its end

There's still much more to it my friend

As the lovers grew further, as they sealed off their hearts

They began to wonder how love ends, how it starts

Now listen up, this is where it gets good

As they thought about love ending, they realized there's no way it could

Underneath all the hate they stored

Was misery and pain, longing for their lover and cliche kisses as it poured

They missed every touch, every smile

Every perfect moment, just them, together and alone for a while

They ran to each other, wanting everything they had

Deceit grew jealous, grew hateful, far beyond mad

He tried to break them apart with lies and betrayal

But his efforts were pointless, the lovers now a groom and his bride in veil

Yet deceit refused to give up, got their families involved

The lovers were separated by feud, they saw only one way their problem could be solved

They snuck out while the others were asleep

The lovers decided though they lost it once, this time their love was something they would keep

First, they married, well actually eloped

Each took a deep breath as they prayed, as they hoped

Leaving the church they could hear the ring of the old rusted bell

They swiftly walked through the town and stopped at the well

The well where they had first met

The well that would hold their story, though they didn't know it yet

The beautiful bride, placed down her veil and bouquet next to the well

The handsome groom, his jacket and a note of vows he was able to tell

Once they had laid down what they wished they were off once again, into the night

Determined to stay with each other, no matter the fight

Again holding hands while they walk, here they are, now back in that field they were before

Are you still with me, don't worry there's not too much more

They reach the end of the field, a high cliff above the calm water

Near a large willow tree, they see the first rays of the rising sun

Body to body, skin to skin, their souls come together as one

Then with a final kiss, they both stand and look beyond the cliff's end

They wished they could say their lives were perfect, but they couldn't take another lie, they couldn't pretend

So they stay just a moment, wondering what would happen when they were done

Unable to say whether any of them had truly won

The groom takes his lover in his arms, holds her tight

Then a single tear glistens on his bride's cheek, from neither sadness nor fright

The looming thought of what lies ahead

The lovers both clutch to this thought, though it brings only dread

It holds a strange allure of mystery

Still and silent, a beautiful tragedy

The lovers leap, still holding each other, never letting go

Their families wake to them gone

Decide to work together to find them, put aside their differences and move on

Horror strikes the families as the lovers wash up on shore

Then sorrow as they look once more

They find, on their fingers, wedding rings

Tears in their eyes as they realize their fighting caused this, what hatred brings

But when they turn to the bride, they're shocked at what they find

Something that makes them understand what was going through her mind

Once they brushed off the seaweed, and the shells, and the sand

They noticed something clutched tightly in her hand

A paper, folded up small

A paper that told her story, every detail, to all

Then ended with a message to her lover, one he'd never read but always know

Along with their story that that old well will always show

"I made a wish that day, I wished for happiness and love

And on that day, at that well, my dear you came to me like a gift from the angels above"

And legend says if you make the bride's same wish on that same day at the well

Then you will meet your love there, that day, as well

And so my friend that's all there is to tell

About the two lovers who met at that old wishing well

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