Just Go/Just Stay

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I'm not going to compromise

Not with everything I know

I'm done your evil lies

Just go

Please don't make this harder than it has to be

I'm begging you, please, just leave

Because I just can't take anymore of this misery

No I can't handle any more of the toxic words that I receive

The mirror now only reflects an image of hate

Points out all the "flaws" I think I need to change

Scars litter the skin that I always desecrate

Though I admit this all feels so strange

Finally free

Out of that cage

No longer need to plea

Finally gonna turn the page

Yet somehow it all seems so wrong

Like things aren't meant to be this way

That we were fine all along

Back when my world was grey

Do I deserve this freedom

Is it what I really need

Will I be alright with my newfound wisdom

Or do I continue to bleed

Do I go back to hiding, from the world, from everyone

Try to cover every cut and bruise

Broken and ashamed, thoughts of death by the time the day is done

But I convince myself that that this isn't you, I blame myself, I blame the booze

I tell myself you're just correcting all my mistakes

Think to myself, you're making me into someone better

Convince myself, you love me enough to do anything it takes

Hide the "abuse", pull on the sleeves of my favorite sweater

Maybe we can give this another try

I know I'll regret my decision, I'll be free some other day

But I just can't bring myself to say goodbye

Just stay

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now