Secret Song of a Missing Heart

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Please don't show her another disguise

Tell her no more lies

She can't take it one more night

Seems every day's another fight

You're drinking away your life

And seeing you cuts her deeper than any knife

Her nights are so lonely but they're better with you gone

She can finally live in peace, she's already moved on

You beat her with liquor stained breath

Beat her and her unborn baby nearly to death

That baby was born, but not without cost

Unfortunately the other two were lost

And that baby has never smiled

Who would when a triplet becomes an only child

So the broken mother did her best to hide her pain

But she was drowning in her tears, held under by an invisible chain

Trapped by the years of memories

By your unending lies, the tears she's cried for what seemed like centuries

She broke down every night, silently cried in the dark

Keeping her pain a secret from her baby, miles of fabric to hide every mark

She was ashamed of herself because of what you've done

She was truly broken, she looked for hope but she had none

Yet she was able to hide it, until that baby turned six

That's when they saw everything, there was so much that they couldn't fix

At first they were sad, they cried by her side

Mother and child, bellowed in the the night, as if someone died

But in a way they both did

They were dead spirits, with bodies that hid

Hid their sorrow, hid their grief

If people knew their truth, they'd be in disbelief

Years soon went by

The now seventeen-year-old child filled with hope, started to try

Tried to fix mommy's broken heart

Undo the damage done by the man who tore her apart

But their work was to no avail, she wasn't getting better

They were mortified when they found her body, a corpse beside a letter

They cried as they read, the words didn't matter, they were too late

Their hope quickly turned to a fiery hate

Hate towards the man who was to blame for all of her misery

Their father and his abusive toxicity

They spent their life hunting him down

Couldn't wait to kick him from his throne, destroy his crown

You see that man wasn't a king nor a man of wealth

In fact he was on the streets, in poor health

But he was happier than he could be

Leeching beer from a local brewery

So the child wrote a letter of what he would do

That child was me, the letter to you

Though I'm sure that this will suffice

I would show you the letter as well but instead, here's some advice

I suggest to don't bother to try and run

Just accept what's soon to come

You don't need the letter explaining what will happen

Because soon your vision will begin to blacken

Soon the building will fill with ammonia and bleach

You won't have time to cry, you won't have time to screech

One breath and we'll both be dead

Now do you regret those things you've done, all those things you said

You made her take her life, leave this world too soon

Justice will be found, this bleak and frozen afternoon

Our time is now only seconds away

Any last words you wish to say

Or maybe it's better you stay silent

After all you don't want things to get violent

One wrong word and you die in agony

One wrong word and you feel what you did to my mother and me

It's been a long war but she and I have finally won

You can't see it or smell it but in a second the chemicals will come, combine and this will be done

Don't bother trying to hold your breath

Breathe deep and accept this inevitable death

Goodbye world, the life I had

Goodbye forever, to my deadbeat dad

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