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Back when I was small

I used to laugh and smile through it all

Back then I was so happy

But now life, it's trapped me

I used to be so joyful all the time

Such a shame, such a crime

And I don't know what happened

Or when my heart had blackened

Not sure when I changed like this

But it's too late to get back the life I miss

That life I lost gets farther every day

It's out of reach, gone away

Even my vision seems black and white

Just waking up is an eternal fight

Now I'm left alone with hidden scars

Losing myself behind closed doors

Yet no one now or ever, will come to know

All my sorrow, if I don't let it show

If I prevent the tears from falling

If I hide it all, while slowly dying

Suffering in silence seems to be all I can do

You'll never truly know me, or I, you

But once I'm finally gone for good

You'll have finally understood

Understood why

Why I had to die

Why I never looked you in the eyes

Why I had to meet my demise

You'll know why I secretly cried

You'll know why I always lied

Lied, with the same old line

Lied, when I said I was "fine"

And here I must end

To you I leave these words, my dearest friend

I'm sorry, please don't cry

I love you and goodbye

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now