False Beauty

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You tell me I am beautiful

But what is beautiful to you

Is it what society says

Is it all in your head

You knew me not

Seen only but my face

You've told me I was beautiful

But then what did you do

But then where did you go

You said you'd never leave me

Then were gone without a trace

I put you through a test

One that you have failed

I told you I was different

And then you were unveiled

And what is it that made you flee

And what did you get away from

Your shallow ways are nothing but insanity

The girl you said you loved so dear

She showed you behind her mask

But because she was perfect the way she appear

The darkness inside went unseen, you didn't think to ask

Is that what made you run

Is that the thing you fear

The demons she faced every day

The pain she was really in

Everything she hid

Deep inside she knew by showing you that you would lose your way

That you'd be blinded by the darkness within

She knew that just like a kid

You'd never meant a word you ever dared to say

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