Dear Little Me

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Dear Little Me,

     I know this won't reach you

     Time moves forward for eternity

     So sending this is impossible to do

     For time continues endlessly

     But this is something I need to write

     I need even false hope right now

     You see, I've lost my spirit, my inner light

     It's been gone for years though I'm not sure how

     There were times you felt alone

     When you felt you didn't fit

     Like you didn't belong in the world you were shown

     Yet you smiled and marched right through it

     I need to know how you didn't care

     How could you seem so happy every day

     How did you simply ignore the pain and despair

     How did you pushed it all away

     I seem to have forgotten the memory

     Of how I could get through it all

     Who I used to be

     Now I can only crash and fall

     But I don't want to whine

     So I keep repeating "I'm fine"

     And let myself fall endlessly

     While hiding behind my poetry

     I'll try my best to stand tall

     I'll let myself be just another mindless doll

     Controlled by this corrupt society


Broken Me

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now