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Dejected, alone, I leave the room my family is gathered in

A certain pain stings at my heart once again, but I'm already numb to the feeling

With a sigh I fall onto my bed, basking in my misery, my loneliness, my sin

The silence of the room deafens me and tears threaten to fall as I stare at the ceiling

I blast my music and ignore the reprimands I receive

I roll my eyes and raise the volume even louder to escape to a daydream

Eventually they tire of yelling and give in, unaware of how easy they are to deceive

Because I keep it so loud that no one can hear me scream

I'm haunted by my demons and I'm drowning in my tears

Every lie I tell is a stone, smooth to the touch and beautiful, they're heavy stones tied to my feet

And those heavy stones weigh me down, keeping me under the water for all these years

Yet no one knows, nor will they ever

I'm holding my breath under this water

Though they'll find out eventually, I can't hide this forever

I'm a letdown of a sister, a disappointment of a daughter

They'll all find out the day I try to draw a breath

I'll try to breathe but will only fall further down

That day I force my early death

That day I let myself drown

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now