Blank Page

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Start with a blank page

So many possibilities for that empty space

Overwhelmed, feeling trapped in cage

Because they expect you to replace

Replace the emptiness of the the nothingness

Create something beautiful

And achieve greatness

But how can you create something wonderful

When every word's already been said

Every story's already been told

Any thought created in you head

Has been thought before and everything new is already old

So how can you create anything more

How can you go farther than what's been done

How can you create your own path, your own door

How can you fight a battle that's already been won

Already been lost

Been fought a million times in the past

How can you do something at such a discouraging cost

Knowing no matter what you do, you won't be the first nor the last

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now