High School

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Walk down the hall
Are they staring at me
Sit in class feeling small
I can feel their judging eyes, all I want is to flee
Another night with a shattered heart
A tear stained pillow once again tonight
They didn't love me back, feel like I'm going to fall apart
Softly cry all night
Morning comes, here were go another time
Put on a happy face, be want they want to see
Being myself feels like a crime
This place, this cage, I can never be free
High school isn't the dreamland we were shown
Fighting in a war-zone, just trying to survive
Avoid the queen in her crown, she's a viper on a throne
Don't know who's the enemy so shut everyone out, try to stay alive
All they care about are themselves, their picture perfect lives
Just keep smiling, fake my way through
Stay away, just get through these years, then I can take back my life
There's nothing much else that I can do

My Shitty Teen Angst PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now