Chapter Ten

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Brea's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Annette fucked Matthew Espinosa. Wow. I could tell by the look on Aaron's face that he wasn't to happy. "You what? ", Aaron asked balling his fist. "Aaron I'm so sorry. I-" But before Annette could finish, Aaron stormed out the door. Aaron knew where Matthew lived considering this wasn't the first time Aaron and Matt had an issue. Seconds after Aaron left Annette and I got into her car and followed Aaron. In the process I also called Samantha, Cam, Jackie, Jacob, Natalie, and Shawn.

When we arrived at Matts house we could already see them yelling at eachother.

"Did you fuck her?", Aaron asked clenching his jaw waiting for an answer. Matt smirked at Aaron and slowly nodded his head yes. Not even two seconds after that the rest of the crew pulled up. Cam was the first one out of the car. And believe it or not, when my crew pulled up, so did Matts.

"Aaron c'mon. Lets just go home", Cam said calmly. Aaron shook his head no and stood were he was.

"Annette, why the fuck did you tell him?", Matt asked stepping closer to Annette. He had his fist balled, and I could tell that this wasn't gonna end so pretty.

"Matt I had to. He is ny boyfriend. I had to come clean", she said her voice trembling with fear. But before she could say another word, Matts fist came flying in the air. But before it could reach Annettes face, someone else hit Matt in the face.

And that someone was Taylor.

"Don't you ever put your hands on a fucking girl", he said. Everyone stood there in shock.

But this is what suprised everyone the most. Annette ran up to Taylor and hugged him. "Thank you Taylor", she whispered into his chest. "No problem".

"Thanks man", Aaron said shaking his hand. Taylor nodded his head.

"Hey um Brea, can I talk to you?", Taylor said putting his hands in his pockets. "Uh, yea", I said nervous of what might happen.

Before I left I went to say bye to my friends. "Bye guys. See you later", I said hugging them. When I got to Cam he said "If he tries to hurt you, jusy call me okay?". I nodded my head yes and walked away.

I got into Taylors car and we started to drive. The car ride was silent for the most part. Except for the Beetles playing in the background.

When we pulled up to his house, we both got out yhe car and walked inside. It smelled like mixture of weed and Axe. It was actually a pleasant smell. We walked up to his room and sat on the bed. His room was surprisingly clean and tidy.

"Sooo what did you want to talk to me about", I asked sitting on his soft bed. He looked down and sat next to me. "I just wanted to tell how sorry I am about what happend a few days ago at the party. I was drunk and I was high. I didn't know what I was doing. Now that I think about it, I'm actually glad that Dallas came in and punched me. Or else I would have done something I would've regret", he said looking me directly in the eyes. I looked down and my lap and simply said "Its fine".

"Can I ask you something Taylor?", I finally managed to ask. "Yea sure", he said nodding his head. I swalloed a lump in my throat and finally asked,

"Why do you hate me?"

He looked at me for a few seconds and looked down at his lap.

"To be honest, I don't really know. Your an amazing person, and you don't deserve to be treated the way you do. I think I'm gonna stop being such an asshole and actually be nice to you", he said eyeing me in the last sentence.

"Oh", is all I managed to say.

"Taylor, do you like me?", I asked looking at him. He looked back at me and slowly nodded his head.

"Good", I said smashing my lips against his, climbing onto his lap.

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