Chapter Nineteen

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*6 months later*

Natalie's POV

Shawn and I were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Shawn", I asked quietly.

"You remember my ex boyfriend right?"

He scoffed.

"Nash", he said with a digusted look on his face.

"Yea. Well you remember after me and him broke up and he stalked me, and kept sending me those messages?"

"Yea?", Shawn said getting suspicious.

"Well he started doing that again", I said quietly.

I looked up at Shawn.

He had his jaw clenched and his fist balled.

"Shawn...", I said putting my hand ontop of his.

He stood up quickly and started pacing back and forth.

"Shawn sit down an-"

I was cut off by Shawn punching a hole in the wall.

Here we go.

Not many people know this but Shawn has a bit of an anger problem.

When he gets mad he starts throwing things and punching walls.

He began throwing vases and pictures on the floor.

"Shawn please calm down", I said scared out of my mind.

"HOW CAME I CALM DOWN NATALIE? HUH?!", he said yelling in my face.

"Shawn it's not that big of a deal! Your being over dramatic so calm down!", I yelled looking into his eyes.

His eyes softened and he nodded his head.

He sat down on the couch and looked up at me.

He took my hands into his and pulled me into his lap.

He slipped one arm around my waist and put the other hand on my neck bringing my face down, kissing me.

"Im sorry", he whispered against my lips.

I kissed his lips and got off his lap.

I began picking up glass and putting everything back that Shawn threw.

"No. Put that down. I'll pick it up later", he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

He let go of my waist and took my hand.

"Let's go upstairs babe", he said kissing my cheek.

Brea's POV

"TAYLOR!", I yelled from upstairs.

My cravings and mood swings have started kicking in.

Oh and did I mention that Im six months pregnant and I'm freaking huge?

"Babe what's wrong? Are you okay?", he askes

"No I'm not okay?", I said dramatically.

"What do you need baby?", he asks worried

"Chocolate", I said smiling

He smirked at me and said "Coming right up my love"

Taylor has been so good to me during this pregnancy.

I hope it stays that way.

Taylor came back up to the room and sat the bag of Kit-Kats next to me.

"You know what babe. Im not in the mood for chocolate anymore", I said with a pouty face.

He let out a long sigh and asked "Well what would you like babe?"

"I want yogurt covered pretzels with hot sauce", I said with a puppy dog face.

He looked at me with a digusted look on his face.

"Gross babe"

"What? I want what I want okay?", I said laughing

He walked out and shut the door.

I was watching tv when my phone began to buzz.

I looked down and saw that it was Annette calling me.



"Annette? What's wrong"

"Someone broke in the house"

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm okay. But Aaron isn't"

"Stay there. Taylor and I are coming"


I hung up the phone and yelled Taylor's name

He opened the door and said "I'm not getting you anymore food"

"No that's not what I want. Someone broke into Annette's and Aaron's house and something happened to Aaron and we need to go now", I said in one breath.

"Lets go", he said grabbing the car keys and heading out the door.

Me, being the six month pregnant person I am, can't get out of bed.

"Uh Taylor, forgetting something?", I ask getting annoyed.

"Oh. Haha sorry babe", he said helping me out of bed.

I was wearing yoga pants and a short sleeve shirt. I threw on my sandles and waddled out the door.

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