Chapter Twenty- Four

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Annette's POV

"Taylor?", I asked, suprised at what I just saw

He stood up and walked towards me, wiping lipstick from his mouth.

"Annette, its not what it looks like, I swear", he said looking down at me.

"Seriously?! You have a pregnant girlfriend at home, and this is what you do?", I said yelling.

I walked away, grabbing Natalie and Jackie before he could answer


Shawns POV

I woke up with Brea's back against my bare chest.

I decided to get up and make some breakfast for the both of us.

I unwrapped my arms around her waist carefully, making sure not to wake her.

I walked downstairs and began getting ingredients to make a warm, home cooked breakfast.

As I was putting the eggs in the pan, I began to think back to last night when Brea was having that nightmare.

Who was it about?

What was it about?

Maybe I should jusy let it go.

I heard creaking of the stairs, and I turned a to see Brea with her hands on her stomach, sniffing her way into the kitchen.

I cracked a small smile.

"Good morning", I said hugging her

"Good morning", she said smiling.

"What's all this?", she ask looking hungrily at the food

"Just something I decided to make for you", I said setting the plates on the table.

She sat down and began eating.

We ate for awhile, before I decided to break the silence.

"Brea can I ask you something?"

She nods her head.

"Do you have nightmares everybight", I asked looking up from my plate.

She sits quietly for a second before responding.

"Uh yea. I'm sorry if I bothered you", she says quietly

"No you didn't bother me. I was just worried about you", I said.

"I'm fine Shawn", she assured me with a smile.

"Who was it about?"

"Oh it was when Taylor was about to, uh rape me at the party..."

I stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry for asking", I said.

"No it's fine. Taylor knows that I have nightmares every night, but he doesn't know that they are about him. I tell him that they are nightmares from when I was little", she said looking at me.

Before I could say anything else, there was a knock at tge door.

I got up to answer it.

It was Annette, Jackie, and Natalie.

Annette looked pissed.

"Brea I need to tell you something", Annette said sitting next to her.

"Okay", Brea said in a questioning tone.

"Last night at the club... I saw Taylor kissing another girl"

Brea sat there for a minute trying to process what was just said to her.

Tears began falling from her eyes.

Natalie quickly ran over to her, engulfing her in a hug.

She was such a good friend.

Natalie was always by Brea's side no matter what.

I guess that's what bestfriends are for right?

All of the sudden, the door flew open and there stood Taylor and Jacob.

"Baby, I just wanna tell you that I didn't kiss her. She kissed me", he said quickly.

Taylor began walking towards her, but before I could reach her, I stepped infront of him.

"I think it would be best of you gave her some space", I said

He tried pushing past me but I wouldn't budge.

"Shawn move, I need to talk to her", he said getting angry.

I still wouldn't move out of the way 

"Taylor she doesn't want to talk! You are already the reason she has nightmares! Your not gonna do anything but make it worse", I said yelling

He looked at Brea.

"I-Is that true babe", he said whispering his words.

She slowly nodded her head in fear

The room fell silent.

"Why didn't you tell me?", he asked with tears in his eyes 

She looked at the floor.

"I didn't want to hurt you", she said sniffling

"You should've told me babe", he said with anger in his voice.

Before Brea could respond, there was a knock on the door.

Natalie walked over to the door, and answered it.


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