Chapter Fourteen

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Annettes POV

Aaron and I were at the grocery store when I got a call from Brea. I figured it wasn't important so I decided to ignore it. But she calles again.

And again.

And again.

I started to get worried, so when she called I answered immediately.

"Hello Brea? Are you okay? What happened?", I askes worried.

"Annette? Annette I'm pregnant.... ", she said crying of happiness.

"Breanna! Oh my god! Congratulations! ", I said

I only called her by her real name when it was something serious. Other than that I never called her Breanna. No one did. She would kill you.

"Wait... how's the dad?, I asked afraid of what she would say next.

"The father is.... ", she said slowly.

"C'mon Brea spit it out", I said getting impatient.

"Come over. I'll tell you", she said sighing. "Im calling the others too".

"Okay, I'm leaving the store now", I said and hung up.


Breas POV

I don't know how I was gonna tell them I was pregnant. Especially Samantha.

*30 minutes later*

I was in my thoughts wondering how they were gonna react when I told them. Would they be happy? Would they hate me? I didn't know.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by some knocks at the door. I looked at Taylor and he lookes at me. "You ready babe?", he asked putting his hand on mine.

"Yea", I said taking a deep breath and heading to the door. I opened it and there stood all of my friends.

"Hey baby", Samantha said hugging me. I smiled at her and let the others in.

"What's so important Brea", Natalie said with an attitude. I could tell that I interrupted something her and Shawn were doing if you know what I mean.

"I have an announcement guys", I said sighing

"What?", asked Jackie getting impatient.

"Im...pregnant... ", I said barely audible.

I looked around the room and jaws were dropped. Including Camerons.

"Oh my god... CONGRATULATIONS!", said Natalie hugging me.

"Congratulations Taylor", Shawn said standing up shaking Taylors hand. Taylor gave him a fake smile and said "The baby isn't mine".

Shawn looked confused.

"Wait. Then who's baby is it?", Jacob asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but Cameron interuppted me and said 


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