Chapter Eleven

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Brea's POV

"Woah" is all Taylor could say once we were finished. "I have to admit, I didn't know you could move like that", he said smirking at me. "I can do alot of things Caniff", I commented getting out of bed and throwing on one of Taylors shirts and boxers.

"You look pretty sexy wearing my clothes baby", he said licking his bottom lip. I gave him a little wink, and walked out the bedroom door, swaying my hips in the process.

I walked in the kitchen and began to make something for me and Tay to eat. I opened the refrigerator to find nothing but flour tortillas, sour cream, cheddar cheese, and salsa. I looked in the refrigerator drawer and found some hamburger meat.


I turned the stove on, took out a pan and put the hamburger meat on it. I was  stirring the meat when I felt two muscular arms slip around my waist. "Your cooking for me already?", he asked kissing my neck. "Are you hungry", you asked still stirring the meat. "Yea", he said sitting at the table.

Once I was done cooking, I  prepared the plates and brought them to Taylor. I sat one infront of him, and sat next to him sitting my plate infront of me. "Thanks baby", he said with a mouth full of Taco. I giggled and took a bite. The whole time we were eating it was quiet, until Taylor broke the silence.

"So does this mean we are together?", he asked nervously. "Uh. I guess. But if you don't wanna date then that's fine", I said, the last part barely audible. He got up from his seat, and came behind me. "Of course I want to", he said kissing my cheek. I smiled to myself and got up and  washed the dishes. I lifted up my sleeves and and began washing. Taylor came up from behing me and kissed my shoulder. "Im so sorry Brea", he said taking my wrist, kissing the scars. After he kissed them he walked upstairs to the room.

I walked upstairs and opened the door. I walked in to see Taylor laying on the bed with his hands on his head. "Are you okay", I asked standing infront of the TV. He simply nodded "yes", and put his arms out motioning me to come cuddle. I smiled a little and walked to the bed and layed down on his chest.

Next thing I knew, we were both asleep in eachothers arms.

Natalies POV

Shawn and I had just made it home from the drama that happened with Brea, Annette, Aaron and Matt. When we got in we went straight upstairs. We kicked off our shoes and jumped into bed. I was uncomfortable in the clothes I was in, so I put on my pink pajama shorts and a white tank top. The shorts I were wearing we Shawns favorite because he likes the way my butt looks. I walked back over to the bed and sat down next to shawn. "Baby are trying to tease me? Because if you are then it sure is working" he said smirking, looking at me up and down.

"Shawn baby not tonight. Im not in the mood", I said pulling the cover over waist. "I bet I could put you in the mood real quick babe", he said squeezing my but. "Shawn cut it out. Im serious", I said with an attitude.

"C'mon baby. I know you want it. Let me make you feel good", he said quickly putting his hand inbetween my thighs, rubbing my area. A tiny moan escaped my mouth. I covered it quickly. But apparently not quickly enough.

"See I knew you wanted me", he whispered in my ear flipping me ontop of him. He sat up, cupped my face and kissed me roughly. He moved his lips from mine, down to my neck. A gasp came out of my mouth. "Take of your shirt and bra", he says breathing harder than ever. I take of my shirt and bra slowly teasing him. As soon as my bra came off, Shawns lips attacked my left breast, making me throw my head back in pleasure. He took his big hand started massaging my free breast. He stopped what he was doing, and pulled my shorts down slowly. "Oh baby, your so wet for me", he whispered on my neck. I got off Shawns lap for a quick second to remove his shorts and underwear, leaving him naked his length slapping his stomach. I got back ontop of him and began to move my hips back and forth. Shawns eyes squeezed shut from all the pleasure. I began going faster and faster sending both of us over the edge.

",Shawwwwwnnnn", I  moaned reaching my high.

I came first and Shawn came shortly after.

"Baby. We didn't use a condom", Shawn said about to piss himself. "Its okay baby. Im on the pill", I say kissing his nose. We put our pajamas back on and fall asleep with the raindrops hitting the window.

Hey guys! So I'm gonna start updating once or twice a week so yea ☺

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