Chapter Twenty-One

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"Mr.Carpenter is in a comma", the doctor finally said.

Natalie's POV

The room fell silent.

Everyone's head turned to Annette who had her head in her hands sobbing.

I ran over to her quickly and held her in my arms.

"Annette it's gonna be okay", I said.

She sniffled and lifted her head up.

"Do you know when he will recover from it?", she asked the doctor, wiping her nose.

"It could range anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months", he said sighing.

She began to sob again.

This was insane.

Just as we were about to walk out of the hospital, we saw two officers holding a guy in handcuffs.

He had his head down so we couldn't get a good veiw of him.

"Excuse me ma'am. We have found the person that invaded your home and put your boyfriend in the hospital", he said to Annette.

We all looked around at eachother waiting for the answer.

"Well who is it?", Brea asked getting impatient.

The officers lifted the guys head up.

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Matthew?", Annette said in a low voice.

Annette's POV

"Matthew why would you do something like this?", I asked looking him in the eyes.

"I was aiming at you but your little boyfriend tried to be a superhero and save you. Hey but I shot one of you so doesn't that count for something", he said with an evil smirk.

I slapped him in the face when those last few words came out.

"I hope you rot in prison you son of a bitch", Shawn said stepping closer to Matt, clenching his jaw.

"C'mon babe. He isn't worth our time", Natalie said pulling Shawn by the arm.

We headed outside to the parking lot.

"I need to go out", I said stopping by the cars.

I know going out the night your boyfriend was im a coma isn't what most people would do, but I'm not like most people.

"Are you sure you wanna do that?", askes Jacob looking concerned.

"Yea. I'll be fine. Anyone else wanna join", I asked looking around.

"I'll go", said Natalie and Jackie.

I smiled.

"What about you Brea?"

"I'm six months pregnant and I'm huge. I think I'll just sit home and eat", she said smiling.

"Anyone else?"

"I think I'll go", said Jacob.


"Nah. I'm not really in the mood for the club tonight", he said

"Taylor you should go", Brea said looking up at him.

He looked at her amd smiled a bit.

"I'm gonna stay with you babe", he said rubbing her six month pregnant belly.

"I'll be fine babe. And besides, you've been taking care of me for six months. I think you deserve a break", Brea said.

"And If it's no trouble, I can look after her for you Taylor", Shawn said.


"Let's go", I said getting in the car.

This is gonna be a crazy night.

Hi guys! Sorry for the late update! Been busy. And sorry its short. But the next chapter will make up for it I promise!

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