Chapter Sixteen

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Breas POV

"What do you mean we aren't keeping this baby?", I asked suprised.

Cameron looked up at me and said "Exactly that. We aren't in the position to raise a baby. We are still in college".

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

He had sex with me intentionally, and now he doesn't want to keep what he made? It wasn't making any sense.

"Why are you acting like this Cameron?", I said getting angry.

"Did you see what just  happened?", he asked

I stayed silent.

"I just lost my fucking girlfriend because of you".

I looked at him with a confused look.

"Are you kidding me? I'm the reason you lost your girlfriend? Lets not forgot Cameron, you kissed me first. So don't you dare blame all of this on me", I said raising my voice.

"What don't you understand Brea?! We can't keep this baby!", he said yelling

"There is no we Cameron! If you don't want to help me raise this child like a good father would do, then you don't have to. I don't need you!", I said yelling in his face, tears brimming in my eyes.

I walked out of the room and told everyone they could leave.

Once they were all gone, I broke down.

I ran into the bedroom and sat on the bed crying.

I heard the door creek open, and the bed dipping slightly.

"Baby. Listen to me okay? Don't worry about him. We can do this together. I will be here with you every step of the way. I'm never gonna leave you", he said wiping my tears with his thumb.

"Promise?", I asked, looking in his eyes.


Samantha's Pov

I was done packing my things and loaded the luggage into the trunk of my car.

I went back inside the house and took one last look.

I decided that I wasn't gonna leave Cameron without an explination.

So I wrote a note.

After I was finished writing,  I folded the note and wrote "Cameron" on the front.

I sat it down on the table in the living room, and walked to the door. I looked back, took a deep breath, and walked out.

I got in my car and called Gilinsky.

The phone rang twice, until finally he picked up.


"Hey babe. Im ready"

"Alright, well just come by my place and we'll go"

"Okay. Im on my way"

I hung up the phone and began to drive.

I arrived at Gilinskys house, and sat in the driveway.

I decided to honk the horn to  tell him I was here.

He opened the door, with his suitcases in hand.

After he walked out, so did Mahogany. I could tell she had been crying.

She stood on the porch and waved goodbye, as he got into the car.

"Ready babe?", he asked, looking over at me.

I looked over at him, smiled and nodded my head.

California here we come.

Cameron's POV

I pulled in the parking lot of me and Samantha's house.

I noticed her car was gone.

She probably went out for a ride to get away, considering what just happend.

I walked in the house, and immediately headed to the bedroom.

I opened the closet to change into something more comfortable.

Then I saw that Samantha's clothes were gone.

I decided to shake it off and went downstairs to get something to eat.

I walked in the kitchen and saw a note that said "Cameron" written on it.

I opened it to see what it was.

It read

"Dear Cameron, I'm writing this letter to let you know what's going to happen.
Since you were going to step up and take care of  the baby, I decided that I would make it easier for you and leave. I just feel like I'm not ready to be a step mother. I'm to young, and I need to enjoy my freedom while I have it. I mean, we aren't gonna be this young forever right? I decided that I'm going to move to California with Gilinsky. I know what your probably thinking. But he loves me, and I love him. So i just though I'd let you know where I was.
But Cameron, I want you to remember that I love you know matter what. And if you need anything I'm here. Be with you forever, love you for always. xoxo

Sincerely, Samanatha

Oh, and p.s.

Im pregnant.

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