Chapter Six

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There stood Cameron looking down on the bed that contained Taylor and I. As soon as Taylor spotted Cameron he hopped off the bed. "What the hell are you doing?", Cam asked balling his fist. There I was on the bed tied up, not able to move. Cam made his way over to me, but before he could reach me Taylor came infront of him and punched him in his upper lip. Cameron fell to the floor while touching his now bleeding lip. Cam looked up Taylor with a clenched jaw. He got up slowly from the floor and walked towards Taylor. He took Taylor by his neck and shoved into the wall behind them. By this time I had maneged to untie myself from the ropes on my wrist and ankles. "I swear to god Taylor, I could kill you right now and I would have no regrets", he said with anger rushing through his veins. "Your a pussy Dallas. You wouldn't hurt a fly", Taylor said spitting blood from his mouth. Cameron took the free hand that he had, reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. He put the object to Taylors neck and looked him in the eyes. "Try me", Cameron said slowly. "Cam", I whispered, walking towards him slowly. He looked back at me with a clenched jaw. "Don't do it Cam. Its just gonna make things worse", I said on the verge of tears. "Put the knife down", I said with a more clear voice. Cam looked back at Taylor and gripped the knife. He dropped it on the floor and placed his free hand back on Taylors neck. "I suggest you leave...and don't come back", he said tightening his grip on Taylors neck. He finally released him from his grip, and Taylor rushed out the room. Cameron shut the door and came over to me. "Are you ok", he said, his voice trembling. I nodded my head and began to sob. He made his way over to me and pulled me into his musclar arms. I continue to sob into his chest. "Shhh..", he whispered into my hair. He lifted my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. "Its gonna be okay. Im here for you baby", he said. We looked into eachothers eyes for which seemed like eternity. I could see his eyes move from my eyes to my lips. He leaned in and kissed me with his soft lips on mine. He put his hands on my butt and squeezed it, making me gasp. He uses this time to slip his tongue into my mouth. While our tongues are fighting for dominance he layes me down softly on the bed, not breaking the kiss. He spreads my legs and climbs inbetween them. His mouth trails from mine down to my neck, sucking the sensitive skin. I suck in a sharp breath making him smile. He gently slides off my shirt, then unclasps ny bra throwing it to the other side of the room. He takes one hand and massages my breast while the other is sliding down my shorts. When they reached my ankles I kicked them off. He takes his now free hand and rubs my area. I bite my lip to control my moans. He kisses my lips once more and trails down to area. He takes my panties off with his teeth, eyeing me the whole time. Once my panties are off he looks at me as if he is asking for permission. I simply nod my head assuringly. He kisses my folds making me suck in a breath. "Cam don't tease", I said my voice trembling. He slightly nodded his head. He opened my folds and began to lick my clit. I took my hands and began to pull his hair. "Oh Cam", I moaned bucking my hips. He began to suck my clit, making me throw my head back. "Cam", I moaned. "Im close baby". He took his tongue out before I could cum. "Your not cumming that easily babe", he whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. He unbuttoned his pants and threw them across the room. I decided to tease him and began rubbing him through his boxers. "Babe", he breathed out. He took my hand and pinned them above my head. He began to remove his boxers slowly. After they were removed he positioned himself infront of me. "I know your a virgin. Are you sure you want me to be your first?", he asked with concern in his tone. "Just do me", I commanded. He pushed himself into me. Tears automatically started to form in my eyes. He looked at me and stopped. "We don't have to do this. I don't want to hurt you", he said wiping the tear from my eye. "Its fine. Keep going", I said. He began to thrust. But this time it felt different. It felt good. "Faster Cam". He went faster and faster driving me over the edge. I could hear him grunting in my ear while he was thrusting. I felt a knot in my stomach. "C-Cam. Its happening", I said barely able to speak. "Ok. When it comes out try your best not to moan. Scratch my back, pull my hair, do anything to keep you from moaning okay?", he asked still thrusting. "Okay", I said. His thrust began to get sloppier ans sloppier. "Cam, now. Its coming", I said. Right after the words escaped my mouth, I came. I did what Cam told me to do. I scratched deep into his back, to where I left marks. Right after he came he plopped down beside me. We sat there for a moment. Then we began to put our clothes on. After we finished, the door opened. It was Samantha and Aaron. They rushed in the door to comfort me. "Baby are you okay?", Samantha asked hugging me. I nodded my head at her. "Why are you here Cam?", Aaron asked with concern. "I was trying to find Brea, cause I couldn't find her downstairs, so I came up here and Taylor was about to rape her ", he said in one breath. "Oh". "C'mon guys. We're leaving", Aaron said. We all stood up and walked out the door. I walked infront of Cam and he lightly squeezed my butt. I turned around and he winked. This was about to get interesting.

Sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been busy. Buy I will be updating very, very, very, soon! Bye loves! xoxo

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