Chapter Twenty- Six

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Jackies POV

I was on the couch cuddling with Jacob when I got a call from an unknown number.

I let it ring, but something in my mind told me to answer it.

"Hello?", I said in a cheerful voice

"Yes, is this the daughter of Ida Colvin?", asked the man on the other side of the phone

"Yes this is she", I said

"Hi, my name is Dr. Stevens and I work at Baylor hospital and your mother was just rushed here due to a seizure", he said

I sat up quickly.

I threw my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.

Tears slowly began to fall from my eyes.

"Fortunately, she has recovered from it, but to be safe we moved her to Intensive Care Unit"


"When we release her she will need someone to look over her considering she refuses to be put in a nursing home. We need you to come as soon as possible"

"Uh okay. I'm on my way", I said hanging up the phone.

"Baby? What happened?", Jacob askes sitting up.

"My mom had a seizure and we need to pack and catch the fastest flight to Texas", I said panicking

He nodded his head, obviously confused.

We ran upstairs and began to pack.

How did this happen?

My mom hasn't had a seizure in like 5 years.

Is she going to be okay?

Why didn't she want to go to a nursing home?

There were so many questions and thoughts running through my mind.

It was to much.

When we were finished packing, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I put the suitcases in the car and I jumped in the drivers seat.

"What are you doing?", Jacob asked looking down at me.

"Driving", I said putting the keys in the ignition

"I don't want you driving. You have alot going om right now, and I can tell your stressed. I want you to relax", he said

I smiled and climbed to the passenger seat.

Jacob got in the car and put his seatbelt on.

"Thank you Jacob"


"Coming with me to Texas. You didn't have to-"

"No. I have to. I want to. Your my everything and I don't want you doing this alon. I'll be by your side no matter what"

I gave him a smile.

"Come here", he said leaning closer to me

He kissed my lips softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too Jacob"

He pulled out of the drivway and headed for the airport.

When we arrived we got our tickets and headed for security check

Jacob walked through first and I followed behind.

When I walked through the beeper went of signaling I had something on me. Which I didn't.

A young and handsome security guard walked towards me.

"I'm gonna have to pat you down", he said calmly.

I nodded my head, and turned to face the wall.

He patted my shoulders, moving down to my sides, then to my lower back.

"I'm gonna pat your private area and your behind okay?", he asked warning me.

I nodded my head yet again and he proceeded.

He reached around from behind me and began to pat my area.

After that he began to pat my butt. 

He then started rubbing it. Almost as if he was massaging my butt. Which is exactly what he was doing.

He began to massage it more causing me to get a little uncomfortable.

I was about to say something when all of the sudden, he squeezed my butt.

I let out a gasp and turned to look at him with my hands still on the wall.

He smirked at me.

I looked at Jacob, who had his jaw clenched and his fist balled.

Jacob walked over to us.

"You okay babe?", Jacob asked pulling me into his arms.

I nodded my head

"If I see you touch her again, there's gonna be a problem", he said grabbing my hand and walking off 

We walked to our plane and took our seats.

"Thank you again for coming with me", I said looking him in the eyes.

"Your welcome baby", he said leaning in kissing me.

Annettes POV

I was at Breas house, with her and Taylor talking.

"Guys Jackie texted me ans said that her and Jacob are in Texas because her mom had a seizure", she said

"Damn. Tell her we'll pray for her", said Taylor.

She nodded her head.

"So Brea, how is she doing?", I asked reffering to her 7 month pregnant belly.

"Oh she's fine. She kicks alot though. Especially at night, but I don't mind. As long as she is okay", she said smiling

"What a about you Taylor? How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good. I'm excited to see my little princess for the first time", he said rubbing her belly.

We talked more, until I was interrupted by a phone call.

I answered "Hello"

I almost stopped breathing.

"Okay thank you"

Brea and Taylor were talking about the baby, when I interrupted them.

"Guys... "

"Aaron's awake"

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