Chapter Three

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We got out the car and headed inside Jacobs house. He had a pretty nice place to be a guy. But i can already tell what was gonna happen as soon as we sat down. We would talk for thirty minutes and everyone would split up and go in a room inside the house and makeout and i would be stuck in the living rooms watching Spongebob.

And i was right.

First Aaron and Annette left. Then Jackie and Jacob. Then Natalie and Shawn. Then Samantha and Cameron. And i was left alone. Just me and Spongebob. I could actually hear Aaron and Annette. They werent just kissing if you know what i mean. I could hear her screaming his name. It was disgusting. But im used to it. Ive been knowing them since freshman year of highschool. Now we are freshman in college. Except Aaron. Ive been knowing him since we were little.

When they were finished they all came back out. All the boys had hickies on there necks. "Did you guys have fun?", i asked being sarcastic. They all mumbled something under there breath. "Brea", Annette said. I looked at her and she had a serious look on her face. And that wasnt normal for her. "Let me see your wrist", she said eyeing me down. "Why?", i asked rolling down my sleeve on my shirt. "Brea. Let me see your wrist. NOW", she said. My hands trembled as i looked at them staring me down. I reached for my sleeve and slowly lifted it up. As soon as the cuts were visible i could already hear the gasp. "Brea...why?", said Samantha, her voice trembling. "Im sorry guys", i said looking down. I pulled my sleeve down to hide the gruesome scars. As soon as i pulled my sleeve down, Cameron came and sat next to me. He pulled my sleeve up slowly and looked at them. He took my wrist in his hands and ran his thumb over the scars. I cut yesterday so they were kinda hurting. He looked me in my eyes and brought my wrist to his lips, and kissed the scars slowly. He ran his thumb over the scars one last time and kissed my cheek. He hugged me and whispered "its gonna get better. I promise", in my ear. Then they all got up and hugged me. Then of course, Aaron had to ruin the moment. "Hey guys i just got a text from Jack Dail. He is throwing a party tomorrow and he wants us to come", he said. Jack Dail. He is also another school hottie in school. His dimples are so deep. I could eat soup in them. "Lets go to the party tomorrow", Jacob said. Everyone nodded their head. Except me. "Guys i dont know if i wanna go", i said. "Cmon Brea. It will be fun. You know Jack throws the biggest parties", Shawn said. "PLEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEE", Samantha screamed. "Fine. I'll go", i said. "YEAAAA", they all said.

Well this would be fun.

Hi guys! Im thinking about updating again tonight. What do you think?

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