Chapter Twenty- Five

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Brea's POV

The room fell silent. The only sound to be heard is my breath hitching at the sight of Cameron.

"What are you doing here?", I ask

He steps closer to me and says "Can we talk?"

I nod my head and lead him into the other room.

I close the door and gesture him to sit on the bed.

"What are you-"

"Brea I'm sorry. I should have never left you. I went tp California for Samantha and she is pregnant. But the baby isn't mine. When I found that I immediately came back for you. I decided that I'm going to man up and be a father", he says in one breath.

No words left my mouth. I was speechless.

He only came back because he wasn't the father of her baby?

What if he was the father?

Would he have came back?

"Cam I can't take you back", I finally choked out

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"But Brea I love you", he said choking back tears

"You had your chance to be a father. You blew it."

He looked down at his feet, wiping away tears.

"I'm sorry Cam", I said

"No I'm sorry. You deserve someone better."

"I will be sure to let you see the baby when she is born"


"Yes Cam. She"

"Well I can guarantee that she will be beautiful just like her mother", he said smiling

"Well I'm gonna get going", he said standing up.

I stood up after him.

"Once again Brea, I'm truly sorry", he said looking down at me.

I nodded my head and pulled him in for a long hug.

He looked me in the eyes and kisses me softly on my forhead.

I smiled at him.

He got on his knees and lifted my shirt, showing my bare belly.

He planted a gentle kiss over my belly button. 

He stood up and kissed my cheek one last time.

"I love you Brea", he said holding my hand 

"I love you too Cameron", I said kissing his cheek before walking him to the living room.

"Bye you guys. See you soon", he said before existing the front door 

They all said their goodbyes and shut the door.

"Baby im so sorry. That kiss didn't mean anything to me I promi-"

I cut Taylor off by kissing him.

"Its fine baby", I said against his lips 

Annette scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Is there a problem?", I ask

"You just forgive him like that?", she askes obviously annoyed

"Annette this is my relationship okay? If you don't like it, then oh well", I say

She scoffs yet again and sits on the couch.

I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach.

I grip on to Taylor's arm.

"You okay babe?", he asked

"Yea she just kicked", I said smiling.

"Well were gonna get going", Shawn said grabbing Natalie's hand.

I gave them a hug goodbye and they walked out the door.

Natalie's POV

On the way home, my phone kept vibrating.

Ignored it, but of course Shawn didn't.

"Who is that?", he askes hands gripped tightly in the steering wheel.

"No one babe", I said intertwining his fingers with mine.

When we got home and settled into bed, the vibrating didn't stop.

"Babe just reply back. That vibrating noise is getting annoying", he said sternly

"I'll do it when I come back", I said standing up and heading to the restroom

Shawn's POV

Just as she reached the inside of the restroom and shut the door, I glanced at her phone.

I heard it vibrate several times, before I pick it up.

I unlock it and see that the person texting and calling her was Nash.

She walked out of the restroom and I looked at her still holding the phone in my hand.

"Shawn what are you doing?", she askes with a hint of anger in her tone.

"Why is he texting you?", I askes completely ignoring her question.


"Nash! Why is he saying he had a good time dancing with you last night"

She stood there quietly

"Answer me", I said my voice getting louder

"I danced with him Shawn jesus christ! We were both drunk and we danced that's all that happend!", she said raising her voice.

I instantly calmed down.

"Baby, we can't have love if we don't have trust", she said whispering.

"I'm sorry. He just gets under my skin sometimes. Just the thought of someone taking you away from me hurts", I  said looking down.

She stood infront of me while I sat on the edge of the bed.

I held my hand out, and she took it as I  pulled her onto my lap.

"You will never lose me okay?", she askes playing with my hair.

I nod my head and kiss her shoulder. 

She tilts my head up and kisses me forcefully on my lips.

She pushes me down softly on the bed and crawls ontop of me.

She pulls my shirt over my head, and runs her fingers down my abs.

She kisses me again, using her free hand to palm me through my boxers.

I flip her over so now I'm ontop.

I kiss her neck softly while taking off her panties gently.

I run my finger over her wet slit.

"I'll show you how good I can make you feel", I whisper in her ear

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