Chapter One

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Brea's POV (Point Of View)

*Bell Rings*

Thank god. School is over. This has been the most dreadful day ever. First my car broke down on the way to campus so I was late, then when I walked into class professer shouted at me in front of the whole class. But thank god its over. Now I have to go meet my friends in the cafeteria. I walked outside the class to the cafeteria, when I accidentally bumped into someone. "What where the fuck your going", the strange boy said. I just looked and kept walking. I was used to this kind of treatment. I get bullied on a regular day basis. Its nothing new. I finally reached my destination. The cafeteria. AKA the make out spot of the whole campus. I saw my four best friends in the whole world. Each of them with their boyfriends.

My four best friends were Jackie,Natalie,Samantha,and Annette. They all had boyfriends. Let me brake this down; Jackie is dating Jacob Whitesides. He is the nicest person you could ever meet. Natalie is dating Shawn Mendes. He has the voice of the angel. Samantha is dating Cameron Dallas. He is the school hottie. And Annette is dating Aaron. I have been knowing Aaron since we were two years old. He is my bestfriend.

I walked over to them with a warm smile on my face. "Hey guys", I said looking each one of them in the face. "Hey baby", Samantha said hugging me like she hadn't seen me in 20 years. "So where are we headed?", Annette asked. She was so adorable. "Back to my place", said Jacob. We all shook our head in unison and headed to our cars. As I was walking to my car someone came behind me, and tripped me making me fall on the hard concrete floor. I got myself up, and dusted off my clothes. "Are you okay Brea?", Aaron asked rushing to my aid. "Yea, im fine", I said lying through my teeth. "Oh shut up and stop being a little pussy", said a voice from behind me. But that voice sounded familiar. That could only be the voice of....

Okay guys! Thats it for this chapter! The next chapter will be up tomorrow! Comment what you think of the book so far!

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