Chapter Two

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That could only be the voice of....

Taylor Caniff. The schools bad boy. He had this little clique that had like five other guys and a girl. There was Taylor Caniff, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Nash Grier, and Mahogany Lox. The whole school loved them. Execpt me and my friends. But Samantha does like one of them. I think she likes Gilinsky. But Gilinsky was dating Mahogany. They walked toward us ready for a problem. I stepped back a little. Cameron was always the more out spoken one of the group. He would fight anyone, anytime, anywhere.

"I think there is something you want to say to my friend", Cameron said stepping closer to Taylor. As Cameron stepped up, Taylor stepped back, and Gilinsky stepped up. "How about you back up Dallas?", Gilinsky said poking Cameron in the chest. "And what if i don't?" Shawn pulled Cameron away. I glanced to my side to see Samantha staring at Mahogany, with Mahogany was staring back just as hard. "Can I help you?", Mahogany questioned. "C'mon guys lets go please", i said trying to gather my friends. "Yeah, run away. Maybe you could go cut yourself again", Johnson said laughing. Annette stopped in her tracks, turned around and punches Johnson in the nose.

But then i noticed something. Where was Samantha? I walked back to the cafeteria to try and find her. Just when i was about to turn the corner i heard Gilinsky's voice. "But i have a girlfriend and you have a boyfriend", he said. "I know but it can be our little secret", Samantha said smiling. "Okay. Call me later ", he said handing her a peice of paper. "I will. I gotta go, they are probably looking for me", she said. She kissed him and left around the corner. I pretended like i was looking for her. "There you are. Cam is looking for you", i said. She nodded her head and we went back to the cars, and went to Jacobs place.

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