Chapter Twenty-Two

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Annette's POV

As soon ad the girls and I pulled up to the apartment, we rushed in the house and got ready for tonight.

Jackie and I were pretty out-going with the clothes we wore but...

Natalie was used to normal clothing because of her parents and because the watch Shawn dressed.

But all that 'normal clothed dressing' was gonna change tonight.

Brea is the best dresser out of the girls, but she wasn't here so Jackie and I had to make-due with ourselves.

"Natalie do you want something from my closet?", I asked looking through my clothes.

"Uh, no thanks. I think I'll be good in this", she said smiling as if nothing was wrong with her outfit.

Its not that it was ugly, it's just something that you don't wear to a club.

"C'mon Natalie. You'll look amazing, I promise", I said doing the puppy dog face.

She sighed and let out an inaudible "okay"

I squeeled and got some clothes out of my closet.

*Skip 30 minutes*

Finally, after many tries, we found an outfit.

She was wearing a short, black  lace dress that came a little over her mid thigh, with black and gold heels.

She looked hot.

She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, touching her body.

"Wow", she sighed

"I know", I said nodding my head.

Jackie and I got ready soon after.

Jackie threw on a long, pink dress, with a slit along her leg, stopping just below her hip-line.

I put on a strapless, cherry red short dress.

"Lets take a picture and send it to Brea and Shawn", said Jackie excitedly.

We took the picture, sent it to Brea, and waited for a reply.

After about a minute, we got one.

It read:

"Woah! You guys look great! Especially you Natalie! Have fun for me and be safe! Love you guys ❤"

About 30 seconds later she texted:

"Natalie, Shawn said to have fun and don't dance with any guys. He said he loves you and be safe!"

After I read it, I replied and headed to the kitchen.

"Shall we take a shot before we go?", I asked grabbing 3 shot glasses out of the cabinet.

The girls nodded their head and I poured the alcohol.

"To tonight!", I said

"To tonight!", they repeated yelling.

We downed the alcohol and headed out the door.

We drove to Jacobs house, and honked letting them know we are here.

They came outside and got in the car.

"You guys look pretty sexy", Jacob said to us.

Taylor nodded his head and I continued driving.

We finally reached the club, and got out of the car.

We waited in line, and finally got escorted inside.

Jacob immediately grabbed Jackie and headed to the dance floor while Natalie and I went for the bar.

Natalie's POV

Annette and I headed to the bar for a drink.

"Two Scotchs please", I said to the bartender over the loud music.

He nodded his head, and began making the drinks.

Brea's POV

Shawn was sitting down in the living room, on the couch, watching tv.

I had just gotten out the shower, and threw on a tank top and some shorts.

I walked downstairs, and saw Shawn.

He looked at me and smiled.

I sat on the couch next to him, and began watching tv.

I felt a kick in my stomach, making me tense up.

"Are you okay", Shawn asked sitting ul quickly.

I smiled, and chuckled a bit.

"I'm fine Shawn. Just felt her kick is all"

He let out a sigh, and said 'oh'

"You wanna feel?", I ask smiling at him

He nodded his head like a five year old.

I took his large hand in my smaller one, and sat it on my huge belly.

I was moving it around, until finally she kicked.

Shawn's eyes lit up like a  Christmas tree.

I giggled at his expression.

He held out his arms signaling he wanted to cuddle.

I laughed a little, and layed on his chest.

Shawn and I were really close, so this was normal.

"I'm proud of you", he said looking down at me.

I smiled.

"I know this might be a hard time for you right now, but I'm letting you know that you are never going through this alone. I'm here for you", he said playing with my hair.

"Thanks Shawn", I said smiling. A tear slowly slid down ny cheek.

He smiled in response and wiped the tear with his thumb.

"C'mon lets go to bed", he said helping me up the stairs.

Natalie's POV

Annette went to the dance floor and left me by myself at the bar.

I was moving my head to the music, taking sips of my drink.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I didn't turn around because I thought the person would go away.

I was wrong.

"Can I buy you a drink beautiful?", the voice asked.

"Already have one", I said not bothering to turn around to see who it was.

But that voice sounds so familiar.

"Wanna dance?", the familiar voice asked.

That's when I realized who the voice belonged to.

Nash Grier.

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