Chapter Eighteen

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Cameron's POV


How can she be pregnant?

Well we did have sex a while ago.

Am I the father?

Ha of course I am.

But why would she leave with my baby?

I had so many questions.

I know what I have to do.

I began packing my clothes.

Im going to California.

Taylor's POV

I couldn't believe the way Cameron was acting.

He had sex with her, and know he just up and leaves her?

I was walking up the stairs into my bedroom, when I heard crying coming from the bathroom.

I knocked on the door softly, hoping she would hear me.


"What Taylor?", she asked sniffling.

"Brea, baby open the door", I said.

The doorknob began to shake, and the door opened.

I quickly grabbed her, and pulled her in my chest.

She began sobbing into my chest.

I sat on the bed and pulled her on my lap.

"T-Taylor, I'm so scared. I don't think I can do it", she said quietly.

"No baby, don't say that. Your gonna make it. Your not gonna do it alone. You have everyone by your side. You have Annette and Aaron. You have Jackie and Jacob. You have Natalie and Shawn. You have me", I said lifing her chin up.

She looked at me with glossy eyes.

"I love you Tay", she said looking at my lips.

I smiled, and kissed her lips softly.

The kiss got heated and I lyed down pulling her on my lap.

I moved my hands from her hips to her butt, giving it a squeeze.

She moaned in my mouth, and I began to unbutton her shirt.

She broke the kiss and looked at me.

"Taylor, I'm sorry, but we can't do this. Im pregnant and I don't want anything going wrong", she said looking sad.

I kissed her lips one last time, and said "It's okay"

Shawn's POV

Natalie and I were cuddling on the couch watching a movie.

Natalie and I haven't had sex ever since the incident with Annette and Aaron, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I had my arm around her, and began kissing her shoulder.

She didn't budge thought. Her eyes didn't move of the tv.

I moved my lips to her neck and began kissing.

She nudged me, signaling me to stop.

But I didn't listen.

I began sucking her neck until she finally spoke up.

"Shawn what are you doing", she asked annoyed.

"Nothing, just trying to give you what you deserve", I said as I continued to kiss her neck.

"Well stop", she said moving away from me.

I looked at her confused.

"What's wrong babe", I said moving closer to her.

"Nothing Shawn", she said, eyes glued on the tv.

"Baby tell me", I said.

"No", she said still not looking at me.

"Tell me what's wrong with you baby. Please? I wanna help you", I said softly.

"Nothing Shawn god! Can't you just leave me alone for ten seconds?! Can I get some alone time?", she yelled at me.

I looked down, slowly nodded my head yes, and left the room.

I walked downstairs to the living room and sat on the couch.

Why was she being so distant from me lately?

Was it something I did?

I tear began to fall from my eye.

Soon more came down.

I feel like this will be the end between us.

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