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I am so proud of myself for keeping up with these. I always write them a day in advance, so it's not too hard, but still. Btw... this one is so fluffy I screamed about four times while writing it. This is on the longer side too, but it's worth it I think. As always, enjoy!


~Bakugo's POV~

My alarm clock buzzed loudly and rang in my ears as I tried to blink the fog out of my eyes. I flipped off of my stomach to switch it off and stared blankly at the ceiling for a bit.

Saturday  11:45am. The alarm clock blinked in red text.

"Mmh... Ei." I called out to my boyfriend, Eijirou, who somehow slept through the damn alarm. We had been living together for two fuckin years and he still managed to be he same heavy sleeper as always. A day never went by without me having to wake him up.

I groaned rather loudly as I turned to him.

"Ei. Wake up." I poked him on the arm several times as I spoke in attempt to get his ass awake. Of course(as always) it halfway worked.

He was awake. I could see his smile tugging at the corner of his lips and his arms tighten around the pillow underneath his head. Damn faker.

"Eijirou get up." I said in a scolding tone.

Nothing. Figures.

I sighed out loud, "I didn't wanna have to do this, but you leave me no choice..." I said as I sat up and scooted closer to him.

I leaned down and planted a kiss on the back of his neck. Then another on his hair, behind his ear, the side of his face, his bicep, shoulders, everywhere I could reach until I heard him giggle.

"Okay, okay! Just... gimmie a second..." he groaned out quietly, his face still in the pillow.

I sighed loudly as I tried to slide out of bed, but I found myself trapped by... EIJIROU'S ARM. He was slowly pulling me closer to his body, and I wasn't having any of it.


"But if you go, I'll complain about you leaving..." he groaned, still quiet.

I shot him a glare, and he let me go despite his protests.


I made my way downstairs and started making breakfast bagel sandwiches. My favorite. I would've made pancakes since Ei loves them, but he wasted ten minutes of my fuckin day, so I'm making bagel sandwiches.

I was just finishing the eggs when I felt two tanned arms snake around my waste.

"Fucking finally..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Aww, no pancakes?" Ei sighed into my ear and started kissing my neck.

"No. Get off of me! I'm trying to cook. And go put a damn shirt on," I replied in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Only if you put on pants."

"No way!"

"Then things are staying the way they are."

I groaned loudly, something that seemed to become a habit of the morning. I finished assembling the sandwiches and Ei slipped from around my waist to go sit at the table.

I sat both of the plates down and sat across from him. The table was small enough that he could reach over and kiss my nose if he wanted to. So, of course, he did. He did it every time he got the chance, so I never expect anything different. I only glared in response and started eating, but I secretly enjoyed the routine feeling of the morning.

Eijirou is one of the few constants in my life. He keeps me sane, and I wouldn't change him for the world.


As I finished off the first half of my sandwich, I noticed Ei hadn't touched his. Instead he was just staring at me.

"The hell is wrong with you? Why aren't you eating?" I asked him, a hint of worry in my voice.

"Oh, I didn't mean to," he giggled, "I just—you're so pretty Katsuki..." I blushed at this, and I'm sure he could tell since he giggled at me.

He finally began eating, but didn't stop staring at me.


"I love yooou!" He said as he finished off his food, drawing out his words just to make himself sound stupider.

"I love you too shitty hair..." I mumbled under my breath as I finished off the last of my bagel, taking note of how much faster he eats than me.

"I'm sorry, what was that Katsuki? I didn't quite catch that," Eijirou grinned innocently at me, but I knew he was just teasing me.

I rolled my eyes and stood up to put my plate away, but I barley made it halfway back to the kitchen before being tackled to the ground.

"EIJIROU YOU'RE GONNA BREAK SOMETHING GODDAMNIT." I yelled at him, checking to see if the shitty plate was broken. Sure enough, it was. Now I gotta buy new damn plates.

I didn't get to look for long though. Ei had his hand on my cheek, forcing me to face him.

"What did you say Katsuki?" he said in a husky voice. I blushed harder then ever before that morning and tried to look away.

"I—I love you too..." I said, a little louder than before, but still fairly quiet.

"That was a little better... but I still can't quite hear you babe," he said in a silvery voice with a knowing smile.

"I love you too." I said as clearly as I could, but it was still breathy. How could it not be when my hands were pinned down beside my head, and my boyfriend on top of me?

"Better," he hummed and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on my lips. It was sweet and loving, just like a morning kiss should be.

After a short while, he broke away and got up, leaving me flustered and fairly confused. He made his way into the living room and flipped on the TV. I think we made a silent agreement to leave the broken plate to clean up later, and I followed him.

"Can I have cuddles now? You wouldn't let me this morning," he pouted and whined at me to join him on the couch.

"Fine," I replied and rolled my eyes, and laid down on the couch next to him. He pulled me closer to his chest and put his chin on the top of my head.

"Katsuki, you're so cute," he gushed as the intro to the show began.

"Shut up."


DAWWWW that was so CUTE GODDAMNIT. Okay well, I hope you enjoyed this fluffy ass chapter. Do you think I wrote Bakugo ok? It's kinda hard to write from his perspective since he's such an angry boi and I'm... not. Anyway, what show do you think they're watching? You decide XD Erm... don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and I'll see you guys tomorrowwww.

Word Count: 1054

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