College Party

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This took entirely too long and I am really not that fond of this chapter. Dunno why, but I decided to post it anyway since it's been awhile. I'm working on setting up a concrete update schedule so I'll let you know when that's done. For now, enjoy the chapter!!

~Kirishima's POV~

I was nearly drowning in the silence of my own dorm room as I tried, and failed, to focus on my calculus homework. It was almost the end of March on a Friday evening, and I truly wondered why it was so quiet. There was no music blaring through the walls from my neighbor Sero as there usually is at this hour, and I had a lingering feeling that I was forgetting something. That may have just been a side effect of my brain trying to distract me from my work, but who knows at this point.

I tapped my pencil on my desk and ran a hand through my spiked hair as I reread the equation for what felt like the hundredth time. My eyes darted around the room, from the clock to the window to my phone that lay face down on my bed. I always left it there when I had work to do because it's a major distraction to anyone really, but for me, it could mean the difference between getting some shit done and skipping class out of shame.

It wouldn't hurt to look for just a second... right? I thought to myself as I turned my whole body towards it.

I mean it's not like I'm getting anything done anyway...

I quickly hopped out of my chair and snatched my phone off of my bed. Clicking it on, I noticed the two hundred and forty-six notifications I had from the group chat that my friends and I had made.

As I scrolled through what I'd missed, I realized it was mostly just spamming my name all the way up until about five minutes ago where it switched to asking where I was.

I jumped back to the bottom of the message chain and clicked on the text box, racking my brain for what the hell they could be talking about. I opted for a simple question mark, but right before I hit send, it hit me.

"Yaoyorozu's party!" I whisper-shouted to myself. She was hosting a party tonight (as she did every month) in the sorority house and I'd completely forgotten!

I rushed towards my closet, fishing for a decent outfit to wear before settling on a white shirt with pink roses near the hem and some black jeans, slipping my phone into my back pocket immediately after so I didn't forget it.

I pulled my hair(that now reached past my shoulders) into a messy bun before pulling on my checkered Vans and walking out of the door.


"Kirishima where the hell have you been?" Mina yelled as soon as I stepped through the door, giving me a clap on the back.

"Ah... I forgot, sorry!" I replied, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Goddamnit Kiri! how do you survive on your own?" she said, her voice barely audible over the loud music and yelling of other people.

"I don't, " I said nonchalantly.

Mina let out a drunken laugh and pushed me by my shoulder through the crowd to where I guessed the rest of my friends were.

"Dude! Whattook ya so long?" Kaminari said, slurring his words together.

I let out a short laugh as I waved to Sero who had a sheepish look on his face.

"Sero, he was not this drunk when I left! What the hell happened?" Mina scolded.

"Uh... I dunno! He just kept drinking, I couldn't stop him." Sero replied defensively.

"You're not drinking too are you?" she continued, waving a finger up to Sero's nose.

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