MeiMei-20K Special(Part One)

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So I know we're closer to 20K now so I'm making this a 20K but I swear on my life I started this at 15K. This is gonna be a two(or more) parter because this is a waaaaay bigger achievement than 1K(which was only about a month ago)! Thank you guys so much!! I added one of my OC's in here, by the way, DM me if you want to know more about her. Enjoy!!

~MeiMei's POV~

"Are you sure we should do this Uraraka? We might get in trouble,"  the green-haired boy asked my client.

"Don't worry about it Deku! We're doing Bakugo a huge favor! Plus, MeiMei has done this before, and I paid good money to get a hold of her," I smirked at the boy as he looked at me with worry written on his face.

"All I need is the money and the info and it's out of your hands. I've never been caught before, and I don't plan to ever be," I stated flatly and looked over at Uraraka, "Did you bring them?"

She nodded and took a yellow envelope out of her backpack.

"There's his school file. The money should be in there too," she said calmly.

I took the envelope from her and slid out the money first, putting it into my bag. Then I took out the file, opening it and flipping through the many graded papers until I got to his profile.

"Uraraka, how did you get his school file from the office?" the boy asked.

"Deku, one of our friends is invisible,"

"Oh... right. B-but still, this makes us more likely to get in trouble from this!"

I took the profile out of the folder and scanned it over it. I took note of the name, Bakugo Katsuki, and the room number.

"She can put it back the same way she got it," she looked over at me, "We can't let you keep that by the way. No copies either. Having information like this on a Yuuei student just floating around—"

"I understand," I interrupted, "You don't have to explain. I won't need it any longer anyway. When do you want this done? I could do it now if you'd like."

"Yeah! That'd be great actually. We won't get to see it until class starts on Monday though..." Uraraka said, sounding disappointed.

"It usually takes about a day to take effect, so today would be the best time."

"Whatever you say MeiMei! It's your quirk, not mine,"

This girl is way too eager to do this...

I nodded and turned away, preparing to find Bakugo's dorm so I could complete my order.

"Wait, MeiMei! How exactly does this work? Kacchan won't go down easy if it comes to that..." the green-haired boy called out.

"It's an injection. As soon as it enters his bloodstream he'll be out like a light. I've never had any resistance and this boy should be no different." I responded bluntly, slightly annoyed that this kid doubted me.

"What's in the injection?"

"My blood."

As I turned to leave again, I listened to the last bits of their conversation that faded farther away with each step I took.

"Uraraka... This is a really bad idea..." one voice said.

"I know."

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