Nervous(Prequel to Pick Up Line)

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I AM SO TERRIBLE. I AM THE WORST. I FINISHED THIS BUT I FORGOT TO POST IT. UGH. Okay anyway, I promise to get back on track over the weekend. This chapter doesn't end well... but it's just the prequel so it ends ok. BUT YEAH THIS IS ANGSTY AF. ENJOY IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.


~Bakugo's POV~

My face was hotter then the fucking sun  and I was trying to keep my mind on anything except Kirishima. I can't get my mind off of him lately, and I start blushing whenever I think about him. I don't what could be wrong with me other than...


I can't have a crush on him could I? He's my best friend! I know him like the back of my hand and we talk every day. There isn't a single time that I've been with him and not enjoyed it... not even once.

So, naturally, my gay ass would have a crush on him, wouldn't I. Of all people...I mean he's not a bad choice. He's funny, and good looking. Not the smartest though.

Oh god damn it. I'm supposed to be convincing myself why I do not like him. Not reasons that I should. But I don't. So, it's fine. I don't like—

"Bakubro!" I heard a familiar voice yell as two tanned hands slammed on my desk.

"Shitty hair..." I mumbled in response.

"Oh dude, are you sick? Your face is red," he asked as he put a hand on my cheek, "you're hot!"

This only made my face grow redder as I looked into his ruby eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now get off of me!"

He let out a short chuckle before starting to ramble on about some show he watched once. I only caught bits and pieces(something about some lions in space) because I was too busy staring.

They way his eyes lit up as he explained this show he loved to me surely brightened up the room. His smile was bigger than last I'd seen it, and he was looking around the room as if he could imagine everything flying around him. Like the planets floating around the sun.

He's just like the sun, only I look at him like I'd look at the night sky.


"We should watch it together sometime Bakugo!" He looked back at me and smiled. I nodded slowly in response and his smile slowly disappeared.

"The fucks wrong with you Shitty Hair?" I asked. What did I say?

"Nothing! I just noticed your face is red again," he said, looking more worried than I was before. Once again, this didn't help my situation.

I felt even the tips of my ears heat up, and thanked whatever divine beings out there that Aizawa Sensei came in and started class when he did. Kirishima ran towards his seat and sat down just as he started talking.


I couldn't focus during class today. I was too busy debating wether or not I should accept how I feel. I mean, I knew how I felt but I can ignore it. I'm hella good at ignoring things. How could I not like Kirishima? He's everything I could ever hope for. All that, and he wants to be my friend.

I have a chance...

I smiled slightly at the thought of being with him. Obviously, that could only happen if I told him, and God knows I'm not doing that any time soon. That's a make or break for us. I can't lose him.

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