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I WAS GROUNDED ALL OF YESTERDAY(FOR NO GOOD REASON) SO HERE HAVE THIS. Also, this prompt confused me a lot since there are tons of ways I could've gone with it, but this is what I did. Hope you enjoy!

~Kirishima's POV~

It was a drunken mistake. An extremely drunken mistake.

I had invited Mina, Sero, and Kami over to my apartment for some drinks and stupid shit like that, but it got a bit out of hand.

By the time we started dare or dare, we were all very drunk. I'd almost say it was worth it because we were having a hell of a good time.

It started out with pretty normal dares, like 'Take your shirt off' or 'Kiss Sero'. We were all having a great time until I was dared something that would change my life

"Your turn Kiriiiiheheheeeee..." Mina giggled.

"Okay... What's my dare?" I replied, slurring my words.

"Oh um... I didn't think that far ahead yet, " she said, scratching the back of her head.

"I KNOW, " Kaminari yelled suddenly, shooting up from Sero's lap.

"I dare you... To summon... A DEMON, " he continued, wiggling his fingers in the air in a sad attempt at intimidation.

"Hah! Okey, " I said, standing up to get my computer.

"How... to summon... a demon... ENTER." I typed into chrome, making about twelve spelling mistakes.

"Which one should he do? There's like... at least twelve" Sero said, twirling his hand around as he spoke.

"No shit! It's more like twelve thousand though, " Mina replied, looking annoyed.

"Boring, boring, boring, boring..." I said as I read the names of the so-called demons and kept scrolling.

"Oh Kiri, look at that one! Bakugo, the demon of explosives and murder, " Kami said excitedly, pointing at the computer screen.

"Sounds deadly, " I clicked on the link, "Oh damn he's hot!"

"Only you would say that Kirishima, " Sero mumbled.

"LET'S DO IT, NOW!" I screamed.

"Looks like we need to... Umm...draw this thingy," Kami read, squinting at the screen.

"Print it out. I'm too drunk to draw," I replied.

"Nitroglycerin? The fuck is that?"

"Oh, I got some of that for heartburn a while ago. Check,"

"And... Virgin blood. Who's a virgin here?"

"Kiri's got it, " Mina yelled, pointing at me.

My face went red when I realized what she meant.

"You didn't give to diss me like that dude!" I yelled, throwing an empty cup at her.

"Yeah, yeah just DO IT, "

I groaned and thought for a second. I could hear the printer in the background and Sero yelling about something or other.

How the fuck am I gonna get my own blood?

"How the fuck am I gonna get my own blood?" I asked.

"YEET!" I heard Kami yell as a bottle smashed against the kitchen floor.

Mina screamed loudly and Sero laughed harder than he was before.


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