Okinawa Part One

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This one's gonna be a two-parter! I did extensive research on the real world equivalent of UAs location and the other prefectures of Japan to do this so I hope you enjoy all my hard work!

~Kirishima's POV~

"Alright class, sit down and listen up!" Aizawa Sensei yelled.

Sero, Mina, Kami and I scrambled back to our seats for where we were standing around Bakugo's desk.

"I have an announcement to make that I'm sure will please all of you, "

Everybody started making quiet chatter amongst the people around their desks, but I just looked on in anticipation.

What could he be talking about? Maybe we're doing something like the Sports Festival again?

"Due to the recent incident at training camp, the staff thought it would be a good idea to give you guys a break. Just to calm your nerves a bit before classes start back up, " Aizawa continued.

"Aw sweet! Are we getting an extended summer break?" Kaminari yelled and he stood up from his seat.

"Sit down and maybe I'll tell you, " Aizawa said coldly and glared at Kami until he sat back down.

"We're taking a class trip to Okinawa--"

The class immediately broke into cheers and laughter. I sprung out of my seat and ran over to Bakugo's desk along with Sero and Mina and we all started chattering about different things wed like to do there. Even Bakugo seemed pretty excited! For him anyway. Kaminari was too busy being ashamed of himself to join us.

"I've never been to Okinawa before!" I said,

"None of us have bro, " Sero replied.

"What do you think the room arrangements will be?" Mina added.

I thought about this for a moment...

I hope I get to be in a room with Bakugo...

"Settle down!" Aizawa shouted and waited for everyone to he quiet.

"We will be staying for two weeks. There will be four people to one hotel room. All expenses have been prepaid by the school. As for food, each student will be given 2000 yen per day to spend outside of the given three meals. You should bring extra money for souvenirs though," Aizawa finished.

"Any questions?" he said. Iida's hand raised immediately.

Aizawa nodded at him to give him permission to speak.

"Will class 1-B be attending?" he said in his robotic voice.

"Yes, they will. After all, they were involved in the incident as well," he finished. Iida raises his hand again.

"Yes Iida..." he sighed.

"How many beds will there be in one room?"

"Two," everyone either gasped or giggled or stared with excitement or anticipation or fear. I was more on the excitement side.

I'm not sure how Aizawa thought that this would be a good idea unless he somehow missed that there were only 3 straight people in the class.

"Wait, Okinawa has a beach, right? The girls and boys won't be separated will they? So I can see Momo in a swimsuit?" Mineta gushed from his seat in the back of the room.

The whole class shot a disgusted glare at him and he sat back down. Sero raised his elbow and shot some tape over his mouth.

"Fucker..." he whispered under his breath. Kaminari giggled at his boyfriend as we all turned back towards Aizawa.

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