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I honestly and genuinely forgot to post this when I finished, so HAPPY BRTHDAY TO OUT FAVORITE ANGRI BOI!! Enjoy the extra long chapter!

~Bakugo's POV~

It was late on a Monday night, and Kiri and I had been training in the Gamma gym since school ended. He had been particularly pushy about getting me to come, but I never refuse a good spar.

We had just finished up our first match while using our quirks, and both of our shirts were torn and singed. During our short water break, Kiri glanced at his watch and looked over at me.

"It's 6:30," he panted, "You wanna head back now?"

"Sure, I'm bored anyway," I said, only half-joking.

We both grabbed our water bottles and towels and started heading back. Kiri's pace was sort of fast, but I assumed he just didn't want to get caught outside after curfew at 7.

The silence we shared on the walk back, with the occasional interruption from crickets or birds, was probably only awkward to me.

I kept thinking about all my friends, and how the nerds never even mentioned that it was my birthday. It's not like I care or anything, they're just the type of bitches who you'd expect to nag about it all day.

Damn, I thought at least Kirishima would remember. I kind of even wanted him to. That's a bit selfish of me though, why would he give a shit about my life?

I shook the thoughts away as we approached the building and I heard Kiri's voice pipe up.

"So, Bakugo, got any plans tonight? Homework or anything?" he asked, looking over at me.

I felt my heart skip a beat at the implications of the question, but I ignored it and shook my head.

"Nah, I finished it all in class," I replied, "Why? You need help with something?"

"Nono, no reason. Just curious is all..." he sputtered out quickly.

I shrugged it off as we neared our hallway.

"Hey Kacchan, can you come here for a second?" I heard someone shout from the common rooms behind me.

Why the fuck does DEKU of all people need to talk to me?

Of course, I wasn't gonna go over there, instead, continue walking with Kirishima. Until, of course, I noticed that he had disappeared down the hallway. I was about to go looking after him, but Deku got to me first.

"Ugh," I sighed, "what do you want, you overgrown cabbage."

"I... um... I just wanted to say happy birthday since I couldn't catch you after class," he mumbled.

"How the fuck did you know it was my birthday?"

"I just remembered from when I used to go to your parties when we were kids," he said, offering a small smile.

I scoffed and turned away from him.

Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed that that shit need remembered before any of my actual friends.

Once again, not that it matters.

I walked down the eerily quiet hallway and went to get my keys to go is, but it was already unlocked. I shrugged and walked in, flipping the switch as I passed the doorway.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard a mass of voices yell.

Not gonna lie, I was a bit surprised, and maybe even jumped a little.

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