Red Riot Hood

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Here, have a long one since you waited for this XD. It might be messy, but it's kinda rushed. I think it's still cute anyway though. Hope you enjoy!!

This is Bobathan, King of Humanities Hearts named by Umbrella_birb
~Bakugo's POV~

I took light steps through the leaves and bushes of the forest floor, listening and waiting for something, or someone, to come along.

There was never a dull day for me. I was always either hunting a deer or a random bastard who thought it was a good idea to come through my woods as a new short cut.

None of those assholes have made it to their destination, let's put it that way.

I was about to turn around and head to the other side of my territory when I heard some loud crunching noises coming from my left.

I quickly ducked behind an oak tree and peeked out to see who(or what) was able to get this close to me undetected.

I silently moved closer to where I heard the sound, but I heard the same noises again behind me, right near the tree I had just been by.

My heartbeat quickened, and I readied myself to attack. Nobody who has ever trespassed on my territory has ever survived.

As I approached closer to where I last heard the sound, I recognized the scent of the intruder, cotton candy, and relaxed.

"Mina, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked bluntly.

"Well," she stepped out into the open, "I was just passing through the Shigaraki territory on my way back from Shadewater Village."


"SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH," she cut me off. I scowled at her and she placed a hand on her hip, "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, while I was passing through, I saw someone walking on that abandoned pathway by the willow grove."

My face hardened, "Why should I care? That's not my territory."

"Oh, I dunno. They just looked different from the other guys around here. They were kinda just looking around, picking up random stuff on the ground. It was pretty interesting to watch them. You should check it out, even as just something to do."

"I'll never understand the inner workings of a human mind. They're so spontaneous and aimless."

She giggled for a bit before sighing, her hot-pink tail swishing behind her "Well, Ochako's expecting me. Besides, I suppose you'll be busy at the grove stalking someone, yes?"

I shrugged and crossed my arms, beginning to walk past her.

"Caio for now!" She called back as she waved before turning and going her separate way.


The distance from where I was to the willow grove wasn't too far, considering I was running like a mad man trying to beat my own record. I made it there in about 6 minutes, and while taking my speed into account with the distance, that wasn't too bad.

I looked up and the sky was getting dark, so the wanderer definitely hadn't gotten very far yet. I could still smell them nearby. The smell reminded me of burnt marshmallows and mint, nothing like any other human in these woods.

There was also a different scent that was sickeningly sweet and almost made me gag. I scrunched up my nose and approached the pathway through the brush, advancing forward towards a dead end that was about five miles east, and following the scent along the way.

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