Flower Shop

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The flower shop is my second favorite AU right under fantasy!! I'll probably make a longer one shot of this one as opposed to a whole story since I love it so much. By the way, I did a lot of research on Victorian flower arrangements to get this right. Let me tell you, being an author is hard, but you end up learning a lot of random shit. Hope you enjoy!

~Bakugo's POV~

The doorbell jingled from across the store. I prepared to give my usual nonchalant greeting to the 'new customer.'

"Welcome to North Shore Flower Sh—WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE," I yelled as the person who entered came into view.

"Oh hey, Bakugo! Our bathroom broke so I'm gonna use yours until it gets fixed if that's alright?" He said as he waved his hand and flashed a grin that was far too big to trust.

I fucking hate him... I thought to myself as he walked past the counter. He didn't even give me a chance to tell him to fuck off.

Kirishima Eijirou owned the Tattoo Shop across the walkway of the outlet mall. I've only ever seen him once before now. He had just bought the store, and I guessed that he went to the food court with his friends to celebrate.

He came stumbling into my shop and knocking over everything that he possibly could. Then he started flirting with me and passed out on my floor.

I blushed as I recalled the memory of calling his friends with his phone to drag him back to his shop. Honestly, I'm surprised he remembers my name for how wasted he was.

I shook my head and continued the flower arrangement I was putting together.

Buttercups and butterfly weed...

"Aww," I heard a painfully familiar voice say, "Are those for me?~"

I glanced up from the flowers to make disgusted eye contact.

A slight chuckle fell from my lips as I thought about the meanings of the flowers Kirishima was claiming for himself.

"Yeah... sure they are, Shitty Hair," I mumbled under my breath as I walked to the back room.

I hummed to myself and pulled a lavender colored rose from its planter block. I walked back to the front and pushed it into the center of the bouquet.

"So what does this bunch mean?" He asked while his smile beamed at me.

"Hm?" I grunted, looking up at him.

"Oh c'mon. I know these things mean something, right?" he added, leaning further across the counter towards me.

"Hm, it basically means fuck off because you're childish and annoying," I said, flashing him one of my signature smiles.

"What about this one in the middle?" He said, pointing at the light purple rose and looking unfazed by what I'd just told him about the rest of the bouquet.

I blushed slightly. I'd barely realized I had added it. I really only thought it would look nice, but the meaning...

My face heated up even more at this, and I turned away to walk into the back room.

"Where are you going? You never told me what it meant!" Kirishima yelled after me.

"Roses need trimming..."


He came back the next day despite my prayers.

"Fancy seeing you here Bakugo!" He said as he walked past the counter.

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