MeiMei (Part 2)

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Hey so um, this is back upon the request of a reader! I didn't think you guys missed it, but here we are! Hope you enjoy the chapter!

~Kirishima's POV~

The entirety of the first half of the day seemed to last forever, but it all seemed like a fever dream. I was too busy thinking about Bakugo and if he'd be alright.

Will anything be damaged besides his ego? Will I get into more trouble if it does?

I was tapping my foot on the floor underneath my desk and biting my lip, earning some glances from my classmates. I wasn't particularly worried about them though. Why would I be? There's already so much to worry about.

My head perked up when the lunch bell finally rang. I looked over to Aizawa who was still sitting at his desk, arranging papers.

"Hey, Kiri! It's lunchtime! You comin'?" Mina asked, stopping in front of my desk with Kaminari and Sero.

"I... I can't. I'll catch up with you guys though," I mumbled and tried to give them a reassuring smile.

My friends exchanged worried glances with each other before nodding and walking out of the room.

"Kirishima," a deep voice called from the front of the room.

I looked up and saw Aizawa standing in front of his desk. He nodded for me to come towards him.

I stood up from my desk, slightly tripping over myself as I did.

I made my way over to him, my features frozen with fear of what he'd say.

"So? What's wrong with him?" he said nonchalantly.

He doesn't sound like he cares much.

"Sir," I began with a deep breath, "Bakugo's got cat ears."

Aizawa stares at me in complete silence, shock written all over his face.

Wow, way to rip of the bandaid Kirishima.

"How did this happen?"

Here it comes...

"It was... uh... well... someone found away to get to him undetected and attacked him. The cat ears were the result... for some reason..."

Aizawa's face changed from one of confusion to slight surprise.

"And why are you telling me this instead of him?"

"Well... because it was mostly my fault sir. The attacker used a fake name and a bunch of lies to get past me. She said she was an interviewer... sent by you. I let her go by."

His face turned cold and he glared at me. It felt like he was staring into my soul. I could only fidget under his gaze until he gave a response.

"What do you propose we do then Kirishima? He wasn't injured, was he?" I shook my head, "Then what's the problem?"

What? He must already know this! This isn't something to brush off... he's gotta know that...

"This is a major security issue! If someone was able to sneak in and get close enough to a student to attack him, are we really safe here?"

Aizawa turned back to his desk, moving some papers aside to get to something.

"You're smarter than I thought Kirishima. But what puzzles me," he pulled out a cell phone and started messaging someone on it, "is that if you know well enough that I don't tolerate any public attention towards myself or my students, how could you have believed such a story?"

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