Training(KiriBaku Month #2)

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I know it's Monday I'm sorry I had a bad day yesterday ;-; that just means you get three this week :3 Hope you enjoy this Tundere/Gay Panic filled chapter!

Bakugo's POV

The bell rung, snapping me out of my thoughts. Everyone stood up simultaneously and grabbed their bags, starting to head towards the door.

Except for Kirishima of course, who was fast asleep on his desk. I threw a pencil at him and he sat up.

"C'mon Shitty Hair, class is over," I droned, wanting to be literally anywhere but in the classroom.

"O-oh, okay!" he said, rubbing his eyes and messily shoving things into his messenger bag.

"Class," Aizawl yelled over the chatter, "Before you leave, I should tell you that there will be another Physical Training test in two days to see if there has been any improvement from the last."

We all groaned in disappointment. The Physical Training tests were just spars. They were fun at first, but then we started doing them every other week and everyone got bored of them.

"Oh shit," Kirishima suddenly mumbled, "I've barely done any sparring since the last test!"

Sometimes I wonder how he survives in a dorm by himself.

I sighed and nodded towards the door, signaling that I was ready to leave.

"Hey... um, Bakugo," I turned back to Kirishima, "Is it okay if I... trained with you? F-for the sparring test?"

I looked at him with a confused look. His face was all red and he looked overly nervous.

It's not like we hadn't studied together before. We hadn't done anything like sparing, but it's not a big difference.

His face still looks cute though...

Wait, WHAT?

No. Nononono no. I'm not gay. I've dealt with this before and I ignored it no problem.

Even if that was a little bit gay, which it wasn't, it's not like I'd have a crush on Kirishima.

Definitely not.

"Sure," I said in a short tone and dismissed the intrusive thoughts.

His face immediately lit up and I felt my heart warm up for a second.

"Okay, great!"

I shook my head and sighed, making my way out of the door and heading to the dorms.

"Hey, Bakugo! Wait up!" Kirishima yelled after me, still throwing loose papers into his bag.

As we walked down the hallway and out to the dorms, I tried my best to explain to Kirishima what happened in class, since he was asleep the whole time.

"Why the hell did you think taking a nap during class was a good idea?" I scolded, trying my best to sound annoyed.

"Well, it's not my fault! I was up all night!" he yelled back defensively.

"How is you staying up all night not your fault?"

"I didn't mean to," his smile slowly melted away as he spoke, "I just couldn't fall asleep is all. I had a whole lot on my mind..."

I nodded and turned away from him, training my eyes forward.

We made it to the dorms and up to my door. I was about to go in, but then I remembered I was supposed to train with Kirishima.

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